Card Information:
on April 2004 at 9:00pm
The Rattlesnake returns...
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Steve Austin is interrupted in his promo by Chris Jericho.
Following the break, a tag match is announced with Austin teaming with Bret
Hart against Jericho and Jeff Jarrett.
Shawn Michaels pinned Ted DiBiase with the Sweet Chin Music in 0:04:19.
Rating: ** 1/2
A very quick match and win for Michaels. Following the match, Big Show came
lumbering down to ringside, but Michaels was able to get out of the ring before
any damage could be done.
Rey Mysterio defeated Jamie Noble when Jamie Noble passed out in
an abdominal stretch in 0:07:19.
Rating: ****
Rey Mysterio sent a message to his Backlash opponent, Shannon Moore.
Lesnar's latest challenge...
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Brock Lesnar is set another handicap challenge, this time against Ric Flair
and Triple H.
Brock Lesnar defeated Evolution (Ric Flair and Triple H) when Lesnar pinned HHH
with the F-5 in 0:25:45.
Rating: *** 1/2
Despite severe odds, Pedigrees and sledgehammers, Brock Lesnar still managed
to get the win, leaving William Regal visibly upset.
Mick Foley and Val Venis defeated Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle when Venis pinned
Angle after a flying cross body press in 0:10:22.
Rating: *** 1/2
The IC Champion got the win, but afterwards Paul Heyman warned him that Chris
Benoit was coming for his belt, once his was done with Foley.
The WWE Champion speaks...
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A rather cryptic set of words from the Ultimate Warrior.
Four Corners Match:
The Can-Am Express defeated Los Guerreros, The Basham Brothers and
The Rock and Hulk Hogan:
x Doug beat Chavo via a leaping swinging DDT in 0:46:58
x Furnas beat Rock via a DDT in 0:55:41
x LaFon beat Doug via a gutwrench suplex in 1:01:41
Rating: *** 1/4
Big win for Furnas and LaFon. Surprising to see Rock manhandled in the way
he was by the Bashams.
Bret Hart and Steve Austin defeated Jeff Jarrett and Chris Jericho when
S. Austin pinned Y2J with the Stone Cold Stunner in 0:18:36.
Rating: *** 1/2
Click here to see highlights.
After the match, Austin and Jericho continued to brawl through the crowd,
while Jeff Jarrett jumped Bret Hart from behind.
Just before Jarrett could hit Bret with the Stroke, the Ultimate Warrior came
to ringside and chased off the Chosen One. However, after Jarrett was gone,
the Warrior then surprised everyone by nailing Bret Hart with the title belt.
Card rating: *** 1/2
Match observations:
A pretty good night of action, with a few interesting twists. After the speech
of the Ultimate Warrior, stating that anyone who stood in his path was his
enemy, he proved his point by nailing Bret Hart with the title belt. How will
Bret react to this come Smackdown?
After Stone Cold and Jericho brawled through the crowd at the end of the night,
it was decided that the two would go one on one at Backlash, in what should be
an excellent confrontation.
The tag team champions struck first blood against their Backlash challengers,
as Shawn Michaels pinned Ted DiBiase. Will the result be the same on Smackdown
when the Big Show faces Kevin Nash, in what will be far from a masterclass on
technical wrestling. The match will be a no holds barred contest.
And also on Smackdown, a 10-Man Battle Royal will be held to determine who will
face Val Venis for the Intercontinental Title at Backlash. Should be a good
Next Show: Smackdown
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Rich, 12-11-2005