(As Raw comes on the air, the glass breaks and Stone Cold Steve Austin makes
his way down to the ring.)
Stone Cold:
While I can appreciate Wrestlemania was probably a good night for all of you
fans, as far Stone Cold Steve Austin is concerned, Wrestlemania kinda sucked.
I went in there, ready to kick Jeff Jarrett's ass, and what happened? That
sumbitch kicked my ass. Well, after that Stone Cold, went home to do some
thinkin'. And then I found myself doing a hell of a lot of drinkin'. After
a while, I made a decision, and that decision was to get up off my ass, come
back here to Raw and kick more ass than ever before.
Now Stone Cold ain't one to whine and cry about a loss, so what I'm gonna do
is just what I always do, and that is raise hell all day and all night, so
(Austin is interrupted by the Y2J countdown.)
Chris Jericho:
You know Austin, you make it seem as you were the only guy to lose your match
at Wrestlemania. Have you forgotten that I too had my ass severely kicked, and
yet you don't hear me complaining about how Shawn Michaels is a dirty rotten
cheater and he screwed me out the match. No, of course you don't.
Austin, life goes on, but no matter how much you try to disguise it, everyone
knows that you're upset about what went down at Wrestlemania. About how Jeff
Jarrett turned from a seething rattlesnake into nothing more than a headless
little worm.
And now you're out here, telling us once again, that you're gonna come back
and raise more hell. Well we've heard it all before Austin, and no doubt we'll
hear it again the next time somebody hands your has-been ass to you. Maybe
Austin, just maybe that somebody will be me!
Stone Cold:
Is that right? You think that you can beat Stone Cold Steve Austin?
Chris Jericho:
I've done it before Austin, I can damn sure do it again.
Stone Cold:
Is that so? Well I guess there's only one thing I can say about that.
(Austin drops his mic and executes a Stunner on Jericho)
Stone Cold:
And that's the bottom line, 'cos Stone Cold said so!
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Rich, 12-11-2005