(Josh Matthews is stood in the middle of the ring.)
Josh Matthews:
Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the man who won the WWE title just over
a week ago at Wrestlemania, the Ultimate Warrior!
(The Warrior makes his way down to the ring.)
Josh Matthews:
Warrior, you realised your dream at Wrestlemania, but can the dream live on,
as you face upcoming challenges from Bret Hart at Backlash, and then maybe
even Jeff Jarrett if you can keep hold of the belt.
Ultimate Warrior:
What you have to understand Josh Matthews is that this is not my dream, it is
my destiny. And until the day that this Warrior breathes his last, I will go
on fulfilling my destiny.
Bret Hart, as I have said in the past, I respect you. But at Backlash, that
respect goes out of the window, just like it did with Brock Lesnar, as you
will stand in the way of destiny. I will put you down without any question,
just as I will to Jeff Jarrett when he chooses to stand in my way. This belt
right here, it is a sign of my true path in life, and anyone who blocks that
path is an enemy, be they friend or foe.
The path began at the Royal Rumble, it continued at Wrestlemania, and it will
stretch ever onward for as long as my heart beats and my eyes see. A new dawn
is coming, and it will soon be here. And everyone can be thankful that there
is a Warrior to look over them, to keep them safe. That is my destiny, and it
shall not be destroyed!
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Rich, 12-11-2005