Card Information:
on April 2004 at 8:00pm
Hogan has an announcement...
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Tonight's main event will be Rock vs Hogan 3, in what may be Hogan's last ever
Chris Benoit pinned Al Snow after a Northern Lights suplex in 0:10:29.
Rating: ****
Excellent match, and a big win for the now much-hated Benoit.
In the backstage area, Mick Foley could be seen looking on.
Val Venis and Rob Van Dam defeated Matt Hardy and X-Pac when RVD pinned M. Hardy
with the Five Star Frog Splash in 0:05:01.
Rating: ** 3/4
Short but interesting. Van Dam made Matt Hardy seem ordinary.
Regal's plan for Brock Lesnar...
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Brock Lesnar refuses to apologise, thus leading to the next match.
William Regal, Ted DiBiase and The Big Show defeated Brock Lesnar when Big Show
defeated Lesnar when Lesnar passed out in a bearhug in 0:05:19.
Rating: * 1/4
With Lesnar out cold, all three men continued to beat on him. The melee was
only cleared up when the tag team champions, Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash
came down to ringside to even up the odds.
6-Man Battle Royal:
Rey Mysterio won a 6-man Battle Royal:
x D. Malenko threw out Tajiri in 0:04:48
x U. Dragon threw out B. Kendrick in 0:11:31
x D. Malenko threw out U. Dragon in 0:15:01
x Noble threw out D. Malenko after a punch in 0:15:23
x Rey Rey threw out Noble after a springboard legdrop in 0:16:23
Rating: ** 1/2
Rey Mysterio wins to become number 1 contender to the Cruiserweight Title.
Jeff Jarrett speaks....
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Jeff Jarrett stakes a claim for the World Title.
The Basham Brothers and Jeff Jarrett defeated The Can-Am Express and AJ Styles
when Doug pinned LaFon after a leaping swinging DDT in 0:11:13.
Rating: ** 1/2
Interesting little match, which sees the Basham's get back to winning ways.
Hulk Hogan pinned The Rock with the Big Leg Drop in 0:16:23.
Rating: ***
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The Hulkster gets a big win, in a surprisingly good match.
Card rating: ** 1/2
Match observations:
With a big win for Hogan over the Rock, he may just continue to let Hulkamania
run wild for a little longer. Only time will tell.
Rey Mysterio will now face Shannon Moore for the Cruiserweight Title at this
year's Backlash. Whether he can win the belt is another matter. Ultimo Dragon
may be unhappy about this, especially as he defeated Rey just a short time ago
at Wrestlemania.
William Regal was said to be unhappy about Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash coming
out to help Brock Lesnar, and immediately signed the new tag champs up to face
Ted DiBiase and the Big Show for the gold at Backlash. Also, it was announced
before the show that Chris Benoit would face Mick Foley at the event.
Expect further Backlash related developments to come to light next Monday.
Next Show: Raw
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Rich, 12-11-2005