They lock up.
Hulk Hogan punches The Rock.
The crowd is really behind Hulk Hogan.
Hulk Hogan kicks The Rock.
There are lots of chants for Hulk Hogan.
Hulk Hogan goes for a roundhouse right, but The Rock blocks it.
The Rock goes for a punch, but Hulk Hogan blocks it.
Hulk Hogan runs into the ropes.
Hulk Hogan hits The Rock with an elbow.
Hulk Hogan is going for the pin.
James Beard counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Hulk Hogan hits an elbowsmash on The Rock.
Hulk Hogan hits The Rock with a chop.
Hulk Hogan goes for a punch, but The Rock blocks it.
The Rock uses a dropkick on Hulk Hogan.
The Rock hits Hulk Hogan with a chop.
The Rock gives him a chop, but Hulk Hogan only stares at him.
The Rock attempts to place Hulk Hogan on the turnbuckle, but Hulk Hogan
blocks it.
The Rock gives him a dropkick, but Hulk Hogan only stares at him.
The Rock goes for a clothesline, but Hulk Hogan ducks out of the way.
Hulk Hogan hits The Rock.
There are lots of chants for Hulk Hogan.
Hulk Hogan chops The Rock.
The Rock punches Hulk Hogan.
The crowd is going crazy.
The Rock hits Hulk Hogan.
The Rock has the crowd going wild.
Hulk Hogan chops The Rock.
The crowd is really behind Hulk Hogan.
Hulk Hogan punches The Rock.
The Rock hits Hulk Hogan.
The crowd is going crazy.
Hulk Hogan kicks The Rock.
Hulk Hogan runs into the ropes.
Hulk Hogan hits The Rock with a kick.
Hulk Hogan goes for an elbowdrop, but The Rock rolls out of the way.
The Rock raises the People's eyebrow.
The crowd is going crazy.
The Rock whips Hulk Hogan into the ropes.
The Rock nails Hulk Hogan with a punch.
The Rock gives him a kick to the midsection, but Hulk Hogan only stares at him.
The Rock hits a Hotshot on Hulk Hogan.
The Rock takes Hulk Hogan down with a dropkick.
The Rock quickly rolls out under the bottom rope.
He grabs a big rock.
The Rock hits him with the big rock.
James Beard throws the big rock through the ropes.
The Rock goes for an armbar submission, but Hulk Hogan blocks it.
Hulk Hogan whips The Rock into the ropes, but The Rock reverses it.
Hulk Hogan hits The Rock with an elbow.
Hulk Hogan hits The Rock with an elbowdrop.
Hulk Hogan poses for the crowd.
The crowd is really behind Hulk Hogan.
Hulk Hogan goes for a headbutt, but The Rock blocks it.
The Rock uses a Hotshot on Hulk Hogan.
The crowd erupts.
The Rock hits a punch on Hulk Hogan.
The Rock throws Hulk Hogan out of the ring.
James Beard counts: one, two, three, four, five, Hulk Hogan reenters the ring.
The Rock gets an armbar submission on Hulk Hogan.
Hulk Hogan grabs the ropes after holding out for 5 seconds.
The Rock nails Hulk Hogan with a flying cross body press.
James Beard counts: One, two, kickout.
The Rock complains about a slow count.
The Rock whips Hulk Hogan into the ropes.
Hulk Hogan hits The Rock with a clothesline.
The Rock falls out of the ring.
Hulk Hogan rolls out under the bottom rope.
James Beard counts: 1.
Hulk Hogan shoves The Rock into the guardrail.
James Beard counts: 2.
James Beard counts: 3.
Hulk Hogan climbs back into the ring.
The Rock climbs back into the ring.
Hulk Hogan executes a roundhouse right on The Rock.
Hulk Hogan goes for a roundhouse right, but The Rock counters it with a punch.
The Rock whips Hulk Hogan into the ropes.
The Rock hits Hulk Hogan with an elbow.
The Rock uses a punch on Hulk Hogan.
The Rock goes for a backspin DDT, but Hulk Hogan counters it with
a belly-to-belly suplex.
Hulk Hogan has the crowd going wild.
Hulk Hogan nails The Rock with an elbowdrop.
Hulk Hogan goes for an elbowdrop, but The Rock rolls out of the way.
The Rock goes for a back suplex, but Hulk Hogan counters it with a bulldog.
Hulk Hogan runs into the ropes.
Hulk Hogan misses with a clothesline.
The Rock misses with an elbow.
Hulk Hogan hits The Rock with a clothesline.
The Rock falls out of the ring.
James Beard counts: one, The Rock reenters the ring.
Hulk Hogan uses a bodyslam on The Rock.
Hulk Hogan nails The Rock with a punch.
Hulk Hogan goes for a bodyslam, but The Rock counters it with an elbowsmash.
The Rock executes a fist to the midsection on Hulk Hogan.
The Rock gives him a snap suplex, but Hulk Hogan doesn't budge.
The Rock goes for a snap suplex, but Hulk Hogan blocks it.
Hulk Hogan hits a roundhouse right on The Rock.
Hulk Hogan goes for a roundhouse right, but The Rock counters it with a punch.
The Rock runs into the ropes.
Hulk Hogan hits The Rock with a backdrop.
The Rock falls out of the ring.
James Beard counts: one, The Rock reenters the ring.
Hulk Hogan goes for an elbowdrop, but The Rock rolls out of the way.
The Rock goes for a kneebreaker, but Hulk Hogan counters it with an elbowsmash.
Hulk Hogan uses a roundhouse right on The Rock.
Hulk Hogan goes for a headbutt, but The Rock blocks it.
The Rock kicks Hulk Hogan.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
The Rock kicks Hulk Hogan.
Hulk Hogan kicks The Rock.
Hulk Hogan has the crowd going wild.
The Rock punches Hulk Hogan.
Hulk Hogan kicks The Rock.
The crowd is going crazy.
Hulk Hogan chops The Rock.
Hulk Hogan chops The Rock.
The crowd is going crazy.
The Rock hits Hulk Hogan.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for The Rock.
Hulk Hogan hits The Rock.
Hulk Hogan has the crowd going wild.
The Rock kicks Hulk Hogan.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
The Rock hits Hulk Hogan with a DDT.
The crowd erupts.
The Rock goes for a kick to the midsection, but Hulk Hogan blocks it.
Hulk Hogan punches The Rock.
The crowd is going crazy.
Hulk Hogan kicks The Rock.
The crowd is going crazy.
Hulk Hogan whips The Rock into the ropes, but The Rock reverses it.
Hulk Hogan hits The Rock with an elbow.
Hulk Hogan executes a stomp on The Rock.
Hulk Hogan takes The Rock down with a bodyslam.
Hulk Hogan runs into the ropes.
Hulk Hogan hits The Rock with a kick.
Hulk Hogan hits The Rock with a forearm to the back.
Hulk Hogan executes a chop on The Rock.
Hulk Hogan takes The Rock down with a roundhouse right.
Hulk Hogan goes for a kick to the midsection, but The Rock counters it with
a dragon screw.
The Rock goes for a bodyslam, but Hulk Hogan blocks it.
Hulk Hogan uses a punch on The Rock.
Hulk Hogan executes a roundhouse right on The Rock.
Hulk Hogan hits a roundhouse right on The Rock.
Hulk Hogan chops The Rock.
The chants for Hulk Hogan are deafening.
Hulk Hogan chops The Rock.
Hulk Hogan hits The Rock.
The Rock chops Hulk Hogan.
The crowd is giving The Rock a standing ovation.
The Rock chops Hulk Hogan.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
The Rock puts Hulk Hogan in a front facelock.
Hulk Hogan gets ahold of the ropes after holding out for 5 seconds.
The Rock runs into the ropes.
The Rock hits Hulk Hogan with a kick.
The Rock goes for a punch, but Hulk Hogan counters it with a roundhouse right.
Hulk Hogan nails The Rock with a bodyslam.
Hulk Hogan hits a headbutt on The Rock.
Hulk Hogan uses a chop on The Rock.
Hulk Hogan whips The Rock into the ropes.
Hulk Hogan hits a roundhouse right on The Rock.
Hulk Hogan executes a bodyslam on The Rock.
Hulk Hogan hits a bodyslam on The Rock.
Hulk Hogan hits The Rock with a headbutt.
Hulk Hogan hits a stomp on The Rock.
Hulk Hogan catches The Rock in the Million Dollar Dream.
The Rock reaches the ropes after 5 seconds.
Hulk Hogan goes for a roundhouse right, but The Rock blocks it.
The Rock goes for a punch, but Hulk Hogan counters it with a roundhouse right.
Hulk Hogan runs into the ropes.
The Rock hits Hulk Hogan with a shoulderblock.
The Rock covers Hulk Hogan.
James Beard counts: One, two, shoulder up.
The Rock goes for a punch, but Hulk Hogan counters it with a roundhouse right.
Hulk Hogan hits The Rock with a bodyslam.
Hulk Hogan takes The Rock down with a forearm to the back.
Hulk Hogan nails The Rock with an elbowsmash.
Hulk Hogan sends The Rock into the turnbuckle, but The Rock reverses it.
The Rock hits Hulk Hogan with a Hotshot.
The crowd erupts.
The Rock goes to the outside.
He brings a fire extinguisher into the ring.
The Rock hits him with the fire extinguisher.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
The Rock goes for a snap suplex, but Hulk Hogan blocks it.
Hulk Hogan hits The Rock with a roundhouse right.
Hulk Hogan hits The Rock with a bodyslam.
Hulk Hogan is going for the cover.
James Beard counts: One, two, kickout.
Hulk Hogan nails The Rock with a chop.
Hulk Hogan hits a headbutt on The Rock.
Hulk Hogan whips The Rock into the ropes.
The Rock uses a backspin DDT on Hulk Hogan.
The Rock goes for the Rock Bottom, but Hulk Hogan counters it with a low blow.
Hulk Hogan runs into the ropes.
The Rock hits Hulk Hogan with an elbow.
The Rock suddenly slides out of the ring.
He retrieves the ring bell.
The Rock hits him with the ring bell.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for The Rock.
James Beard throws the ring bell out of the ring.
The Rock hits a punch on Hulk Hogan.
The Rock sets up Hulk Hogan on the turnbuckle.
The Rock uses a superplex on Hulk Hogan.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
The Rock hits a Hotshot on Hulk Hogan.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
The Rock uses a punch on Hulk Hogan.
The Rock hits a forearm to the back on Hulk Hogan.
The Rock uses a flying cross body press on Hulk Hogan.
James Beard counts: One, two, kickout.
The Rock takes Hulk Hogan down with a kick to the midsection.
The Rock nails Hulk Hogan with a DDT.
The crowd erupts.
The Rock covers Hulk Hogan.
James Beard counts: One, two, shoulder up.
The Rock raises the People's eyebrow.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for The Rock.
The Rock hits a punch on Hulk Hogan.
The Rock nails Hulk Hogan with an armdrag takedown.
The Rock whips Hulk Hogan into the ropes.
The Rock misses with a clothesline.
Hulk Hogan hits The Rock with a shoulderblock.
Hulk Hogan is going for the pin.
James Beard counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Hulk Hogan hits The Rock with a chop.
Hulk Hogan uses a headbutt on The Rock.
Hulk Hogan whips The Rock into the ropes.
Hulk Hogan hits The Rock with a kick.
Hulk Hogan catches The Rock in the Million Dollar Dream.
The Rock is struggling to reach the ropes.
The Rock inches his way towards the ropes after being locked up for 10 seconds.
Hulk Hogan executes the Big Leg Drop on The Rock.
Hulk Hogan goes for the pin.
James Beard counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Hulk Hogan.
The winner is Hulk Hogan. Time of match: 0:16:23
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Rich, 12-11-2005