Card Information:
on June 2004 at 9:00pm
Lesnar's cornerman revealed...
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The presentation of Brock Lesnar's cornerman for Bad Blood turns into a tag
team match.
Scott Steiner and William Regal defeated Brock Lesnar and Sting when Regal
defeated Lesnar when Lesnar passed out in the Regal Stretch in 0:16:45.
Rating: ***
Strike one for William Regal, but will Sting throw in the towel if Lesnar is
put in this position at Bad Blood?
The Undertaker pinned Lance Storm with the Last Ride in 0:11:04.
Rating: ** 1/4
The Undertaker's winning streak continues, as he deals with Lance Storm. It
seems as though Storm's win over The Rock may have been a one off.
One last challenge...
Click here to see highlights.
Paul Heyman and Chris Benoit challenge Val Venis to a ladder match, which the
IC champion duly accepts.
No-Countout-No-DQ-Ladder Match:
Chris Benoit defeated Val Venis in 0:11:28.
Rating: **** 1/4
(Chris Benoit won the WWE Intercontinental Championship.)
Click here to see highlights.
Chris Benoit is once again the Intercontinental Champion, after defeating Val
Venis in an excellent ladder match.
Shawn Michaels pinned Triple H with the Sweet Chin Music in 0:06:23.
Rating: ***
Michaels gets a big victory over one-time best frien Helmsley.
A confrontation...
Click here to see highlights.
Kevin Nash challenges Shawn Michaels to a match at Bad Blood.
Rob Van Dam pinned Jerry Lynn after a small package in 0:11:31.
Rating: ** 1/4
Not a particularly great match. RVD defeats long-time nemesis Lynn.
The Ultimate Warrior and Rey Mysterio defeated Jeff Jarrett and Chris Jericho
when Rey Rey defeated Jarrett by disqualification in 0:09:35.
Rating: ** 1/4
Click here to see highlights.
Jarrett's over-enthusiastic choking got him DQ'd. He'll have to be more
careful about that at Bad Blood.
Card rating: ** 3/4
Match observations:
Not too bad a show, with another superb match-up between Chris Benoit and Val
Venis. Sadly, that's the last you'll see of those two matching up, as Val has
decided to leave the company. His contract expires at the end of Smackdown,
but it's unlikely that he'll be booked for the show, as we don't want another
Shannon Moore situation on our hands.
Following the conclusion of tonight's main event, it was announced that Jeff
Jarrett will face Rey Mysterio in a one on one contest on the next Smackdown.
Both guys will be hoping for a different finish to the one we saw tonight.
Since returning to WWE, the Undertaker has been on top form, and seems to be
unbeatable. Will there be anybody out there who can actually stop him, or
will the Dead Man be cruising his way to the WWE title at some point in the
very near future?
Kevin Nash had some strong words for his tag team partner Shawn Michaels here
tonight, which has led to the two of them agreeing to fight one another at Bad
Blood. Who will the fans side with in this argument, or will they simply give
their support to both men? We may find out on Smackdown, as Nash is set to go
one on one with one of Michaels' students, the number 1 contender to the WWE
Cruiserweight title, Brian Kendrick.
And we know now that Sting will be in Brock Lesnar's corner at Bad Blood. We
haven't seen an awful lot of the Stinger in the nearly 6 months he's been here,
but this appearence could lead to a resurgence from the man in black, whether
he helps Lesnar to victory, or has to admit defeat for him.
Next Show: Smackdown
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Rich, 12-11-2005