(As Raw comes on the air, Brock Lesnar makes his way down to ringside and
grabs a mic.)
Brock Lesnar:
William Regal, you told me to get a cornerman, so that's exactly what I did.
I want to introduce you all to him right now, so ladies and gentlemen, I give
(Sting's music hits, and he makes his way down to the ring. He takes the mic
from Brock Lesnar, but before he can speak, William Regal's music kicks in. He
then emerges on the ramp, with Scott Steiner.)
William Regal:
Well, I'm glad to see you did what was required of you Brock Lesnar, and it
seems as though you've picked quite the partner for yourself. It's a good job
too, because you and your little friend are going to have to face me and Scott
Steiner in a tag match right here tonight. And in case you were wondering, it
starts right now.
(Steiner and Regal run to the ring to start the match.)
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Rich, 12-11-2005