Card Information:
on October 2005 at 9:00pm
McMahon makes the No Mercy main event...
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Shane McMahon announces that No Mercy will be headlined by Chris Benoit versus
Christian for the WWE Title, before making a deal with Triple H.
[Taboo Tuesday Tournament - Round 1]:
Batista pinned The Big Show after a big boot in 0:19:28.
Rating: ** 1/4
Showing some amazing strength, Batista picked up the win over the Big Show to
advance to the semis of the Taboo Tuesday tournament. It was announced during
the match that the semis would be on next weeks Raw and Smackdown, with the
final taking place at No Mercy.
AJ Styles and Raven defeated The Brothers of Destruction (The Undertaker and
Kane) when Raven defeated Kane by countout in 0:07:45.
Rating: ** 1/2
(AJ Styles and Raven retained the WWE Tag Team Championship.)
Kane shocked the world by reuniting with his brother The Undertaker. The
Brothers of Destruction were counted out, causing the champs to retain, but
Styles and Raven were soon treated to synchronised choke slams from Taker and
Manager and Future Champion?
Click here to see highlights.
Steve Austin talks about his clients, and his wrestling future.
Brian Kendrick and Paul London defeated Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman when
London defeated Rey Rey by disqualification in 0:14:55.
Rating: ****
[Steve Austin interfered against Brian Kendrick.]
[Steve Austin interfered against Paul London.]
Surprisingly, Nick Patrick DQ'd Rey Mysterio for his action. Unsurprisingly,
he received a Stone Cold Stunner from Austin for doing so.
Christian defeated Val Venis by countout in 0:06:02.
Rating: **
[Edge interfered against Val Venis.]
The new number 1 contender got a shocking victory, after Edge came to ringside
and attacked his former tag team championship partner, causing him to lose by
count out.
The new number 1 contender...
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Christian oozes confidence, as Chris Benoit tries to bring him back down to
[Taboo Tuesday Tournament - Round 1]:
Ken Shamrock made Randy Orton submit to a sleeperhold in 0:08:31.
Rating: ****
Shamrock gets a submission out of Orton, and he'll now move on to face Batista
next week on Raw.
Terry Funk pinned Triple H after a sunset flip in 0:12:47.
Rating: *** 1/4
Click here to see highlights.
Funk shocked Triple H with a big win. However, his joy didn't last long, as he
was soon the recipient of a sledgehammer shot to the head.
Card rating: *** 1/4
Match observations:
Some rather shocking moments tonight. Shane McMahon made the first of them by
announcing Christian as the number 1 contender to the WWE Title. This is the
first time that Christian will have a chance to go for the top title, so it'll
be interesting to see if he pulls out all the stops to beat Chris Benoit.
Christian was present for another of tonight's shocking moments, when he won
his match with Val Venis thanks to a surprise attack from Edge. Edge and Val
were tag team champions just a few weeks ago, but it seems as though the events
of last week's battle royal has caused a rift between the two of them.
And speaking of the tag titles, it was during a championship match that we got
another shock, as The Undertaker and Kane reunited. They didn't manage to get
the belts this evening, but I wouldn't be surprised to see them chasing for the
titles again, very soon. Before that, though, Kane will try his luck in the
Taboo Tuesday tournament against Steve Austin on Smackdown. The winner of that
match will face the winner of the final quarter final, between Shawn Michaels
and Booker T. Batista and Ken Shamrock have already made it to the semis.
The last of the shocks was Terry Funk sneaking out a victory over Triple H,
especially after being pretty much decimated by the Game. However, Helmsley
had the last laugh by nailing Funk with a Sledgehammer after the fight. There
could be some serious action taken against HHH for this, but exactly what will
happen next, we don't know. We'll have to wait till this Thursday to find out!
Next Show: Smackdown
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Rich, 12-11-2005