They lock up.
Triple H hits a dropkick on Terry Funk.
Triple H goes for a double underhook suplex, but Terry Funk blocks it.
Terry Funk hits Triple H with a back suplex.
Terry Funk executes a short clothesline on Triple H.
Terry Funk executes an elbowdrop on Triple H.
Terry Funk goes for a punch, but Triple H blocks it.
Triple H kicks Terry Funk.
Triple H kicks Terry Funk.
The crowd is vociferously booing Triple H.
Terry Funk kicks Triple H.
Triple H hits Terry Funk.
Triple H goes for the Helmsley Sleeper, but Terry Funk counters it with
a jawbreaker.
The crowd is behind Terry Funk all the way.
Terry Funk hits Triple H with a punch.
Terry Funk throws Triple H out of the ring.
Charles Robinson counts: one, two, three, four, Triple H reenters the ring.
Terry Funk runs into the ropes.
Terry Funk hits Triple H with a kick.
Terry Funk uses a back suplex on Triple H.
The chants for Terry Funk are deafening.
Terry Funk takes Triple H down with a punch.
Terry Funk chops Triple H.
Triple H punches Terry Funk.
Triple H punches Terry Funk.
Triple H is being booed out of the building.
Terry Funk kicks Triple H.
Triple H kicks Terry Funk.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Terry Funk punches Triple H.
Terry Funk hits Triple H with a chop.
Terry Funk chops Triple H.
Triple H hits Terry Funk.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Triple H hits Terry Funk.
Triple H is being booed out of the building.
Terry Funk chops Triple H.
The chants for Terry Funk are deafening.
Terry Funk punches Triple H.
Terry Funk executes a bulldog on Triple H.
Terry Funk nails Triple H with a back suplex.
Terry Funk hits a short clothesline on Triple H.
Terry Funk goes for an eye gouge, but Triple H blocks it.
Triple H hits a dropkick on Terry Funk.
Triple H goes for a side suplex, but Terry Funk blocks it.
Terry Funk throws Triple H over the top rope.
Terry Funk goes through the ropes.
Terry Funk hits a slap on Triple H.
Terry Funk climbs back into the ring.
Triple H rolls back in under the bottom rope.
Triple H brings the table into the ring.
Triple H goes for a powerslam, but Terry Funk counters it with a lariat.
Terry Funk uses a back suplex on Triple H.
Terry Funk sets up Triple H on the table.
Terry Funk executes a back suplex through the table.
The table is broken in half.
Terry Funk is going for the cover.
Charles Robinson counts: One, two, kickout.
Terry Funk uses a kick to the midsection on Triple H.
Terry Funk nails Triple H with a punch.
Terry Funk whips Triple H into the ropes.
Triple H hits Terry Funk with an elbow.
Triple H hits Terry Funk with a chop.
Triple H whips Terry Funk into the ropes, but Terry Funk reverses it.
Triple H misses with a clothesline.
Terry Funk misses with a clothesline.
Terry Funk nails Triple H with a punch.
Terry Funk nails Triple H with a slap.
Terry Funk kicks Triple H.
Triple H punches Terry Funk.
Triple H punches Terry Funk.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Terry Funk hits Triple H.
The chants for Terry Funk are deafening.
Terry Funk hits Triple H.
The chants for Terry Funk are deafening.
Terry Funk catches Triple H in a chokehold.
Charles Robinson warns Terry Funk to let go.
Charles Robinson counts: One, two, three.
Charles Robinson counts: One, two, three, four.
Charles Robinson counts: One, two, three, four.
Terry Funk uses an eye gouge on Triple H.
Terry Funk takes Triple H down with a roundhouse right.
Terry Funk punches Triple H.
Terry Funk hits Triple H.
Terry Funk hits Triple H.
Terry Funk hits Triple H with a back suplex.
Terry Funk throws Triple H over the top rope.
Charles Robinson counts: one, two, three, four, Triple H reenters the ring.
Terry Funk executes a chop on Triple H.
Terry Funk throws Triple H out of the ring.
Terry Funk jumps onto him with a Moonsault Plancha.
The crowd is giving Terry Funk a standing ovation.
Terry Funk throws Triple H into the ringsteps.
The crowd erupts.
Terry Funk uses a chop on Triple H.
Charles Robinson counts: 1.
Terry Funk whips Triple H into the guardrail.
Terry Funk hits a short clothesline on Triple H.
Charles Robinson counts: 2.
Terry Funk runs Triple H into the ringsteps.
Terry Funk clears the announcers' table.
Terry Funk uses a chop on Triple H.
Charles Robinson counts: 3.
Terry Funk reenters the ring.
Triple H rolls back in under the bottom rope.
Terry Funk whips Triple H into the ropes.
Terry Funk executes a punch on Triple H.
Terry Funk takes Triple H down with a short clothesline.
Terry Funk goes for a chokehold, but Triple H counters it with
a kick to the midsection.
Triple H executes the Pedigree on Terry Funk.
The crowd breaks into a "We Want Shawn" chant.
Triple H goes for the pin.
Charles Robinson counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Triple H locks Terry Funk in the Helmsley Sleeper.
Terry Funk tries to escape the hold.
Terry Funk makes it to the ropes after 14 seconds.
Triple H hits Terry Funk with a kick to the midsection.
Triple H executes the Pedigree on Terry Funk.
Triple H goes for the pin.
Charles Robinson counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Triple H goes for a flying axhandle, but Terry Funk counters it with
a fist to the midsection.
Triple H begs off.
Terry Funk whips Triple H into the turnbuckle.
Terry Funk runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Triple H lifts his knee.
Triple H goes for the Helmsley Sleeper, but Terry Funk blocks it.
Terry Funk hits Triple H with a short clothesline.
Terry Funk goes for a back suplex, but Triple H blocks it.
Triple H executes a dropkick on Terry Funk.
Triple H nails Terry Funk with a roundhouse right.
Triple H whips Terry Funk into the ropes.
Terry Funk hits Triple H with an elbow.
Terry Funk hits a facerake on Triple H.
Terry Funk runs into the ropes.
Triple H hits Terry Funk with an elbow.
Triple H whips Terry Funk into the ropes.
Terry Funk hits Triple H with a clothesline.
Terry Funk runs into the ropes.
Triple H hits Terry Funk with an elbow.
Triple H runs into the ropes.
Triple H hits a clothesline on Terry Funk.
Triple H runs into the ropes.
Terry Funk hits Triple H with a shoulderblock.
Triple H begs off.
Terry Funk hits Triple H with a ropeburn.
Terry Funk takes Triple H down with a short clothesline.
Terry Funk executes the Spinning Toe Hold on Triple H.
Triple H reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.
Terry Funk takes Triple H down with a ropeburn.
Terry Funk hits Triple H with a vertical suplex.
Terry Funk throws Triple H out of the ring.
Charles Robinson counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, Triple H
reenters the ring.
Terry Funk hits Triple H.
The crowd is giving Terry Funk a standing ovation.
Triple H chops Terry Funk.
Triple H kicks Terry Funk.
Triple H kicks Terry Funk.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Triple H executes a dropkick on Terry Funk.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Triple H gives him a dropkick, but Terry Funk doesn't budge.
Triple H whips Terry Funk into the ropes.
Triple H misses with a clothesline.
Triple H hits Terry Funk with an elbow.
Triple H goes for an atomic drop, but Terry Funk counters it with an elbowsmash.
Terry Funk hits Triple H with a snap mare.
Terry Funk goes for a vertical suplex, but Triple H blocks it.
Triple H whips Terry Funk into the ropes.
Terry Funk misses with a shoulderblock.
Triple H uses a chop on Terry Funk.
Triple H goes for a powerslam, but Terry Funk counters it with a sunset flip.
Charles Robinson counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
The winner is Terry Funk. Time of match: 0:12:47
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Rich, 12-11-2005