Card Information:
on August 2004 at 9:00pm
An immediate challenge...
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The Undertaker and Jeff Jarrett will have a rematch tonight, with William Regal
donning the referee's stripes.
Bret Hart defeated Hurricane Helms by disqualification in 0:12:21.
Rating: ***
[Paul Heyman interfered against Hurricane Helms.]
In a reversal of last night, the Hurricane was disqualified for hitting the
referee. However, he was also locked in the Sharpshooter when the call was
made, so it's not as if he was cost a win. Bret Hart sent a message to Rob
Van Dam after the match.
Kaientai defeated The Outsiders when Michinoku pinned Hall after a dragon suplex
in 0:14:56.
Rating: ** 3/4
(Kaientai retained the WWE Tag Team Championship.)
A successful defence of the gold by Kaientai.
After the match, Hall and Nash tried to attack the champs, but as the beat
down began, the music of The Rockers started up. Shawn Michaels was nowhere
to be seen, but Marty Jannetty and Al Snow ran down to ringside to make the
save for Kaientai. It looks as though the New Rockers are back in business!
A quick chat with RVD...
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RVD is ready and willing to take on the Hitman.
Lance Storm made Kurt Angle submit to the Maple Leaf in 0:13:57.
Rating: *** 1/2
Good match. Strange to see Kurt tap out though.
It's time for the Highlight Reel!
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Val Venis returns, and immediately gets a Summerslam shot at the IC title.
Los Guerreros defeated Booker T and Goldust when E. Guerrero made Booker T
submit to a Gory Special in 0:18:52.
Rating: ****
Great tag team contest. Los Guerreros deserve a lot more opportunities than
they get.
Edge pinned Triple H with the Edgeacution in 0:08:17.
Rating: *** 3/4
Another big win for Edge, as he upends the Game.
Match with Special Referee William Regal:
The Undertaker pinned Jeff Jarrett after the Choke Slam in 0:01:41.
Rating: **
(The Undertaker retained the WWE Championship.)
Click here to see highlights.
Taker won the match, but was immediately attacked by William Regal. Regal
called Brock Lesnar down to the ring, thus leading to a three on one attack
against the Taker, until...
A shocking aftermath...
Click here to see highlights.
Shane O Mac is back!
Card rating: *** 1/4
Match observations:
Well who would have thought it? Shane McMahon makes his return to the WWE by
saving the Undertaker from a vicious beat down. He warned William Regal that
his time was running out, but what exactly did he mean by that? We may well
find out this Thursday on Smackdown!
Also signed for Smackdown, we'll see Bret Hart take on Goldust in one on one
action. Goldy was defeated in a tag match tonight, and will not be looking to
lose again when he faces the Hitman. Will Bret be able to focus on the match
himself, or will he have Rob Van Dam on his mind?
It was also interesting to see that Marty Jannetty has reformed the New Rockers
with Al Snow. Snow will not be using the Leif Cassidy moniker this time around
though, and I would expect to see a much more focused and serious team. We'll
see exactly what they're capable of on Smackdown, when they face off against
the Outsiders.
Another return here tonight was that of Val Venis, who has gone straight back
into the Intercontinental Title picture, where he would have remained, had he
not decided to move on a few months ago. It'll be intriguing to see how well
he copes against Chris Benoit at Summerslam, and also this Thursday, when he
looks for revenge against the self proclaimed killer of Hulkamania, Chris
Jericho. Venis will want retribution for Jericho's vicious chair shot here
Next Show: Smackdown
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Rich, 12-11-2005