(As Raw comes on the air, the Undertaker makes his way down to the ring, and
holds the WWE title up high for all the fans to see.)
The Undertaker:
You know, last night was....
(Before Undertaker can even get a sentence out, Jeff Jarrett's music hits, and
he comes out onto the ramp.)
Jeff Jarrett:
Hold on, hold on, hold on. I don't wanna hear another word Dead Man. Last
night, you cheated me out of my title, and I ain't let that stand. I went to
William Regal as soon as Vengeance ended, and I demanded justice. And that
is exactly what he brought forth for me.
So now, not only is the Summerslam championship match now a triple threat, with
you, Brock Lesnar and me, but also, I get a rematch for my title, right here
The Undertaker:
Well if Regal's said it, then I guess it's true. Why don't you just bring your
ass down here right now, and we'll get it over and done with?
Jeff Jarrett:
You'd like that wouldn't you, Dead Man? Well it ain't gonna happen on your
terms, it's gonna happen on mine. And my terms state that the match will take
place later tonight, and that the referee is hand chosen by the commissioner.
And Undertaker, wouldn't you believe it, he's chosen himself! So I suggest
that you don't get used to that belt boy, because it's going back around my
waist, as soon as this night is over!
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Rich, 12-11-2005