Judgment Day
Card Information:
on May 2004 at 7:30pm
Triple H pinned Kurt Angle with the Pedigree in 0:14:23.
Rating: **** 1/4
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Amazing opening contest, which saw Hunter get a big victory.
Hurricane Helms pinned Matt Hardy with the Eye of the Hurricane in 0:09:58.
Rating: ***
(Hurricane Helms won the WWE Cruiserweight Championship.)
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Despite his recent setbacks, Hurricane Helms wins back the Cruiserweight belt.
The Undertaker pinned Scott Hall with the Last Ride in 0:11:16.
Rating: ** 1/4
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Despite a valient effort from Hall, The Undertaker was victorious as he made
his return.
a.P.a. defeated Los Guerreros when Ron Simmons pinned E. Guerrero after
an inside cradle in 0:17:23.
Rating: *** 1/2
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A pretty good tag match, which saw the aPa get the win. They may well be back
in contention for the tag team titles now.
A small surprise...
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Jeff Jarrett announces that his match with Brock Lesnar will be no DQ.
Jeff Jarrett pinned Brock Lesnar with the Stroke in 0:12:52.
Rating: * 1/2
[William Regal interfered against Brock Lesnar.]
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Jarrett picked up a win to finally get his title shot. The presence of William
Regal at ringside proved to be too much of a distraction for Lesnar.
No-Countout-No-DQ-Ladder Match:
The Big Show and Ted DiBiase defeated The Kliq (Kevin Nash and Shawn Michaels)
in 0:09:58.
Rating: ***
(The Big Show and Ted DiBiase won the WWE Tag Team Championship.)
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DiBiase and Show win the tag titles, despite a great effort from the now former
champs, Michaels and Nash.
3-Man Battle Royal:
Chris Benoit won a 3-man Battle Royal:
x Benoit defeated Venis in 0:07:21
x Benoit defeated Rey Rey after a dragon suplex in 0:09:14
Rating: ****
(Chris Benoit won the WWE Intercontinental Championship.)
[Paul Heyman interfered against Rey Mysterio.]
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Excellent victory for Benoit, as he becomes the champion. Paul Heyman's
distraction prevented Benoit from being pinned by Mysterio's West Coast Pop,
and then the Rabid Wolverine moved in for the kill.
Rock is Ready...
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Rock tells Flair to bring it.
Ric Flair defeated The Rock via pinfall in 0:07:35.
Rating: ** 3/4
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Flair managed to defeat The Rock, leaving the People's Champ visibly angry.
No-Countout-No-DQ-Submission Match:
Bret Hart defeated Steve Austin when Steve Austin passed out in the Sharpshooter
in 0:27:06.
Rating: ****
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It happened just like Wrestlemania. Bret Hart got the win, but Austin never
gave up.
Final words with the challenger...
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Hulk Hogan is ready to take on the Warrior, maybe for the last ever time.
[Hogan v Warrior 3]: No-Countout-No-DQ-Match:
The Ultimate Warrior pinned Hulk Hogan with the Big Splash in 0:16:16.
Rating: ** 3/4
(The Ultimate Warrior retained the WWE Championship.)
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The Ultimate Warrior defeated Hogan, to take his Win-Loss record over the
Hulkster to 2-1. Warrior will now face Jeff Jarrett at Bad Blood.
Card rating: ***
Match observations:
A pretty good night of action, with three amazing matches in HHH/Angle, the IC
title match and Bret/Austin.
The Ultimate Warrior once again retains the WWE Title, and is proving to be
the most dominant holder of that belt this year. After taking the gold from
Brock Lesnar, he's now seen off the challenge of Bret Hart and Hulk Hogan. Can
Jeff Jarrett finally be the one to derail the destiny of the Warrior at Bad
Blood? We'll find out before long.
The other three titles changed hands tonight, as Chris Benoit became the IC
champion (with a spot of help from Paul Heyman), Hurricane Helms regained the
Cruiserweight title, and Ted DiBiase and the Big Show won a gruelling ladder
match to take the tag titles. How long will these champions be able to hold
onto their belts?
The Rock was defeated yet again tonight, this time by Ric Flair. The People's
Champ may well have been jinxed by Hulk Hogan, as was suggested by Evolution
just a few weeks ago.
It looks like things are far from over between William Regal and Brock Lesnar.
How will Lesnar react to being screwed out of a title shot by the Commish? I
expect the answer to that will be revealed tomorrow night.
And speaking of tomorrow, it'll be intriguing to hear from Stone Cold and Bret
Hart, especially as their match ended in much the same fashion as it did at
Wrestlemania. Will Bret ever be able to make Austin actually quit?
Next Show: Raw
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Rich, 12-11-2005