They lock up.
Kevin Nash whips Ted DiBiase into the ropes, but Ted DiBiase reverses it.
Kevin Nash misses with an elbow.
Ted DiBiase misses with a clothesline.
Ted DiBiase hits Kevin Nash with a kick.
Ted DiBiase uses a swinging neckbreaker on Kevin Nash.
Numerous fans are using Ted DiBiase for target practice.
Ted DiBiase throws Kevin Nash into the turnbuckle, but Kevin Nash reverses it.
Kevin Nash nails Ted DiBiase with a kneelift.
Kevin Nash takes Ted DiBiase down with a kneelift.
Kevin Nash takes Ted DiBiase down with a kneelift.
Kevin Nash uses a bodyslam on Ted DiBiase.
Kevin Nash hits Ted DiBiase with a backbreaker.
Ted DiBiase begs off.
Kevin Nash hits a slap on Ted DiBiase.
Kevin Nash goes for a kick to the head, but Ted DiBiase blocks it.
Ted DiBiase nails Kevin Nash with a hiptoss.
Ted DiBiase gets a sleeperhold on Kevin Nash.
Kevin Nash escapes from the hold after being trapped for 8 seconds.
Ted DiBiase takes Kevin Nash down with a chop.
Ted DiBiase whips Kevin Nash into the turnbuckle.
Ted DiBiase charges into the corner, but Kevin Nash lifts his leg.
Kevin Nash tags out to Shawn Michaels.
Shawn Michaels whips Ted DiBiase into the ropes.
Shawn Michaels goes for a clothesline, but Ted DiBiase ducks out of the way.
Ted DiBiase tags out to The Big Show.
Kevin Nash enters the ring and throws Ted DiBiase out of the ring.
Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash hit The Big Show with a double forearm smash.
Kevin Nash leaves the ring.
Shawn Michaels whips The Big Show into the ropes.
The Big Show hits Shawn Michaels with a clothesline.
The Big Show hits Shawn Michaels with a belly-to-belly suplex.
The Big Show whips Shawn Michaels into the ropes, but Shawn Michaels
reverses it.
The Big Show goes for the Showstopper, but Shawn Michaels blocks it.
The Big Show hits a ropeburn on Shawn Michaels.
The Big Show punches Shawn Michaels.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
The Big Show kicks Shawn Michaels.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
The Big Show hits Shawn Michaels.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Shawn Michaels kicks The Big Show.
The Big Show chops Shawn Michaels.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
The Big Show tries to climb the ladder.
The Big Show is on his way up.
Shawn Michaels pulls him back down.
Shawn Michaels hits a flying clothesline on The Big Show.
Shawn Michaels struts and poses for the crowd.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Kevin Nash enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash whip The Big Show into the ropes.
They hit The Big Show with a double fist to the midsection.
Kevin Nash goes for a kick to the head, but The Big Show blocks it.
Ted DiBiase gets a sleeperhold on Kevin Nash.
Kevin Nash escapes from the hold after being trapped for 5 seconds.
Kevin Nash leaves the ring.
Ted DiBiase takes Kevin Nash down with a piledriver.
Ted DiBiase locks Kevin Nash in a cobra clutch.
Kevin Nash escapes from the hold after being trapped for 5 seconds.
Ted DiBiase locks Kevin Nash in an armbar submission.
Kevin Nash escapes from the hold after being trapped for 14 seconds.
Ted DiBiase nails Kevin Nash with a kneedrop.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Ted DiBiase nails Kevin Nash with a hiptoss.
Ted DiBiase goes for a vertical suplex, but Kevin Nash blocks it.
Kevin Nash goes for a lariat, but Ted DiBiase blocks it.
Ted DiBiase tries to climb the ladder.
Ted DiBiase is on his way up.
Ted DiBiase is half-way up.
Ted DiBiase is almost on top of the ladder.
Ted DiBiase is in grabbing distance.
Kevin Nash knocks over the ladder with a shove.
Kevin Nash hits a vertical suplex on Ted DiBiase.
Kevin Nash hits Ted DiBiase with a backbreaker.
The crowd is behind Kevin Nash all the way.
Kevin Nash whips Ted DiBiase into the ropes.
Kevin Nash uses a lariat on Ted DiBiase.
Kevin Nash whips Ted DiBiase into the ropes.
Ted DiBiase uses a flying clothesline on Kevin Nash.
Ted DiBiase is being booed out of the building.
Ted DiBiase laughs loudly.
The crowd is vociferously booing Ted DiBiase.
Ted DiBiase sets the ladder back up.
Ted DiBiase tries to climb the ladder.
Ted DiBiase is on his way up.
Ted DiBiase is half-way up.
Kevin Nash knocks over the ladder with a shoulderblock.
Kevin Nash hits Ted DiBiase with a roundhouse right.
Kevin Nash runs into the ropes.
Kevin Nash misses with a clothesline.
Kevin Nash hits Ted DiBiase with a kick.
Kevin Nash puts Ted DiBiase in a boot choke.
Ted DiBiase is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Ted DiBiase escapes from the hold after being trapped for 5 seconds.
Ted DiBiase begs off.
Kevin Nash goes for a boot choke, but Ted DiBiase blocks it.
Ted DiBiase takes Kevin Nash down with a Hotshot.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Ted DiBiase sets the ladder back up.
Ted DiBiase is starting to climb the ladder, not realizing that Kevin Nash
is right behind him.
Ted DiBiase begs off.
Kevin Nash goes for a lariat, but Ted DiBiase counters it with a crucifix.
Ted DiBiase tags out to The Big Show.
The Big Show and Ted DiBiase hit Kevin Nash with a double elbowdrop.
Ted DiBiase leaves the ring.
The Big Show puts Kevin Nash in a chokehold.
Kevin Nash is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Kevin Nash tries to escape the hold.
Kevin Nash summons one last burst of energy.
Kevin Nash escapes from the hold after being trapped for 30 seconds.
The Big Show goes for a kick to the head, but Kevin Nash blocks it.
Kevin Nash tags out to Shawn Michaels.
Kevin Nash enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Kevin Nash hits The Big Show with a lariat.
Shawn Michaels uses a flying elbowdrop on The Big Show.
The crowd is giving Shawn Michaels a standing ovation.
Shawn Michaels goes for the Sweet Chin Music, but The Big Show blocks it.
Shawn Michaels nails The Big Show with a kneelift.
Shawn Michaels executes a flying dropkick on The Big Show.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Shawn Michaels.
Shawn Michaels goes for a forearm smash, but The Big Show blocks it.
The Big Show chops Shawn Michaels.
The Big Show hits Shawn Michaels.
The Big Show is being booed out of the building.
The Big Show hits Shawn Michaels.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Shawn Michaels punches The Big Show.
The crowd erupts.
Shawn Michaels goes for a forearm smash, but The Big Show blocks it.
The Big Show goes for a kick to the midsection, but Shawn Michaels
counters it with a dragon screw.
Shawn Michaels goes for a kneelift, but The Big Show side-steps and
Shawn Michaels only hits air.
Shawn Michaels springs to his feet.
Shawn Michaels hits The Big Show with a clothesline.
Shawn Michaels nails The Big Show with a flying bodypress.
Shawn Michaels runs into the ropes.
The Big Show takes Shawn Michaels down with a chop.
The Big Show hits Shawn Michaels with a belly-to-belly suplex.
The Big Show tags out to Ted DiBiase.
Ted DiBiase goes for an atomic drop, but Shawn Michaels blocks it.
Shawn Michaels nails Ted DiBiase with a kneelift.
Shawn Michaels tries to climb the ladder.
Shawn Michaels is on his way up.
Ted DiBiase knocks him off the ladder.
Ted DiBiase goes for a piledriver, but Shawn Michaels blocks it.
Shawn Michaels kicks Ted DiBiase.
Ted DiBiase punches Shawn Michaels.
Ted DiBiase whips Shawn Michaels into the ropes.
Shawn Michaels misses with an elbow.
Shawn Michaels nails Ted DiBiase with a flying clothesline.
The crowd erupts.
Shawn Michaels tries to climb the ladder.
Shawn Michaels is on his way up.
Ted DiBiase knocks him off the ladder.
The Big Show enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Kevin Nash enters the ring and lays out The Big Show.
The crowd erupts.
Kevin Nash executes a bodyslam on Ted DiBiase.
Shawn Michaels hits a flying elbowdrop on Ted DiBiase.
The crowd is giving Shawn Michaels a standing ovation.
Shawn Michaels goes for the Sweet Chin Music, but Ted DiBiase counters it with
a duck-down move.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Ted DiBiase runs into the ropes.
Shawn Michaels hits an inverted atomic drop on Ted DiBiase.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Kevin Nash enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash hit Ted DiBiase with a double forearm smash.
The Big Show enters the ring and lays out Kevin Nash.
Ted DiBiase and The Big Show whip Shawn Michaels into the ropes.
They hit Shawn Michaels with a double backdrop.
The Big Show leaves the ring.
Ted DiBiase whips Shawn Michaels into the ropes, but Shawn Michaels reverses it.
Shawn Michaels hits Ted DiBiase with a backdrop.
Shawn Michaels tries to climb the ladder.
Shawn Michaels is on his way up.
Shawn Michaels is half-way up.
Shawn Michaels is almost on top of the ladder.
Ted DiBiase knocks him off the ladder.
Ted DiBiase whips Shawn Michaels into the ropes.
Shawn Michaels misses with a kick.
Ted DiBiase locks Shawn Michaels in a sleeperhold.
Ted DiBiase lets go after 13 seconds.
Ted DiBiase tries to climb the ladder.
Ted DiBiase is on his way up.
Ted DiBiase is half-way up.
Ted DiBiase is almost on top of the ladder.
Ted DiBiase is in grabbing distance.
Ted DiBiase has retrieved the WWE Tag Title belts.
Ted DiBiase is being booed out of the building.
The winners are The Big Show and Ted DiBiase. Time of match: 0:09:50
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Rich, 12-11-2005