They lock up.
Steve Austin executes a backbreaker on Batista.
The boos are resurfacing again.
Steve Austin takes Batista down with a forearm to the back.
Steve Austin covers Batista.
Nick Patrick counts: One, two, kickout.
Steve Austin hits Batista with a stomp.
Steve Austin whips Batista into the ropes, but Batista reverses it.
Batista and Steve Austin get hit with a double clothesline.
Batista goes for a headsmash into the turnbuckle, but Steve Austin blocks it.
Steve Austin runs into the ropes.
Steve Austin hits Batista with a lariat.
Steve Austin takes Batista down with a lariat.
Steve Austin executes a stomp on Batista.
Steve Austin goes for a punch, but Batista reverses it.
Batista uses a headsmash into the turnbuckle on Steve Austin.
Batista goes for a kick to the midsection, but Steve Austin blocks it.
Steve Austin gives him a piledriver, but Batista doesn't budge.
Batista runs into the ropes.
Batista hits Steve Austin with a kick.
Batista runs into the ropes.
Batista misses with a kick.
Batista hits Steve Austin with a kick.
Batista runs into the ropes.
Batista misses with a clothesline.
Steve Austin misses with a kick.
Batista hits Steve Austin with a shoulderblock.
Batista uses a foward rolling samoan drop on Steve Austin.
Batista is starting to get more cheers than boos.
Batista locks Steve Austin in a boot choke.
Nick Patrick warns Batista to let go.
Nick Patrick counts: One, two, three.
Batista covers Steve Austin.
Nick Patrick counts: One, two, kickout.
Batista hits an elbowdrop on Steve Austin.
Batista is going for the cover.
Nick Patrick counts: One, two, kickout.
Batista goes for a kick to the midsection, but Steve Austin blocks it.
Steve Austin uses a kneelift on Batista.
Steve Austin hits Batista with a forearm to the back.
Steve Austin runs into the ropes.
Steve Austin hits Batista with a lariat.
Steve Austin hits a legdrop on Batista.
Steve Austin hits Batista with a kick to the midsection.
Steve Austin goes for the Stone Cold Stunner, but Batista blocks it.
Steve Austin executes a backbreaker on Batista.
Steve Austin goes for a legdrop, but Batista rolls out of the way.
Batista hits a headsmash into the turnbuckle on Steve Austin.
Batista whips Steve Austin into the ropes.
Batista hits Steve Austin with a kick.
Batista is going for the cover.
Nick Patrick counts: One, two, KICKOUT.
Steve Austin gives him a bodyslam, but Batista doesn't even care.
Steve Austin gives him a kick to the midsection, but Batista doesn't budge.
Steve Austin kicks Batista.
The crowd is wildly cheering Steve Austin with only a few scattered boos
Batista chops Steve Austin.
Batista acknowledges the portion of the crowd which is cheering him.
Batista punches Steve Austin.
Steve Austin kicks Batista.
The crowd breaks into a "3:16! 3:16!" chant.
Batista chops Steve Austin.
Batista acknowledges the portion of the crowd which is cheering him.
Steve Austin hits Batista.
Steve Austin doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he's getting.
Steve Austin goes for a bodyslam, but Batista counters it with a facerake.
Batista executes a kick to the midsection on Steve Austin.
Batista uses a foward rolling samoan drop on Steve Austin.
Batista is starting to get more cheers than boos.
Batista runs into the ropes.
Batista hits Steve Austin with a shoulderblock.
Batista catches Steve Austin in a boot choke.
Nick Patrick warns Batista to let go.
Nick Patrick counts: One, two, three, four, five.
Nick Patrick warns Batista.
Batista hits Steve Austin with an elbowdrop.
Batista takes Steve Austin down with a roundhouse right.
Batista goes for a headsmash into the turnbuckle, but Steve Austin blocks it.
Steve Austin runs into the ropes.
Batista executes a clothesline on Steve Austin.
Batista goes for a kick to the midsection, but Steve Austin blocks it.
Steve Austin whips Batista into the ropes.
Steve Austin hits Batista with a shoulderblock.
Steve Austin hits Batista with a chop.
Steve Austin gives him a single-leg takedown, but Batista doesn't budge.
Batista hits a big boot on Steve Austin.
Batista goes for a roundhouse right, but Steve Austin blocks it.
Steve Austin whips Batista into the ropes.
Steve Austin goes for a punch, but Batista blocks it.
Batista hits Steve Austin with a clothesline.
Batista nails Steve Austin with a clothesline.
Batista hits a foward rolling samoan drop on Steve Austin.
A portion of the crowd is booing Batista.
Batista goes for a clothesline, but Steve Austin ducks out of the way.
Steve Austin executes a piledriver on Batista.
The crowd is wildly cheering Steve Austin with only a few scattered boos
Steve Austin whips Batista into the ropes.
Batista misses with a clothesline.
Steve Austin hits Batista with a shoulderblock.
Steve Austin goes for a stomp, but Batista rolls out of the way.
Batista is going for the cover.
Nick Patrick counts: One, shoulder up.
Batista hits an elbowdrop on Steve Austin.
Batista uses a big boot on Steve Austin.
Batista executes a kick to the midsection on Steve Austin.
Batista nails Steve Austin with a kick to the midsection.
Batista goes for a clothesline, but Steve Austin counters it with
a belly-to-belly suplex.
The boos are resurfacing again.
Steve Austin throws Batista out of the ring.
Steve Austin goes through the ropes.
Steve Austin shoves Batista into the guardrail.
Steve Austin nails Batista with a hiptoss.
Steve Austin gets back into the ring.
Batista climbs back into the ring.
Steve Austin gives him an elbowdrop, but Batista only stares at him.
Steve Austin kicks Batista.
The boos are resurfacing again.
Steve Austin punches Batista.
Batista kicks Steve Austin.
Batista hits Steve Austin.
A portion of the crowd is booing Batista.
Steve Austin kicks Batista.
The boos are resurfacing again.
Steve Austin nails Batista with a chop.
Steve Austin throws Batista out of the ring.
Steve Austin goes through the ropes.
Steve Austin goes for a snap mare, but Batista blocks it.
Batista hits a clothesline on Steve Austin.
Nick Patrick counts: 1.
Nick Patrick counts: 2.
Steve Austin has been cut open.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Nick Patrick counts: 3.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Batista throws Steve Austin into the ringsteps.
A portion of the crowd is booing Batista.
Batista executes a big boot on Steve Austin.
Batista sets up a table.
Batista shoves Steve Austin into the guardrail.
Batista nails Steve Austin with a clothesline.
Nick Patrick counts: 4.
Nick Patrick counts: 5.
Batista reenters the ring.
Steve Austin follows him back in.
Batista hits Steve Austin with a clothesline.
Batista nails Steve Austin with a kick to the midsection.
Batista whips Steve Austin into the turnbuckle, but Steve Austin reverses it.
Steve Austin charges into the corner.
Steve Austin runs into the ropes.
Batista hits a big boot on Steve Austin.
Batista uses an elbowdrop on Steve Austin.
Batista whips Steve Austin into the ropes.
Batista hits Steve Austin with a clothesline.
Batista hits Steve Austin with a clothesline.
Batista executes a clothesline on Steve Austin.
Batista is going for the cover.
Nick Patrick counts: One, kickout.
Batista nails Steve Austin with a big boot.
A portion of the crowd is cheering Batista.
Batista hits a roundhouse right on Steve Austin.
Batista puts Steve Austin in a boot choke.
Nick Patrick warns Batista to let go.
Nick Patrick counts: One, two, three, four.
Batista whips Steve Austin into the ropes, but Steve Austin reverses it.
Batista hits Steve Austin with a kick.
Batista hits Steve Austin with an elbowdrop.
Batista goes for a clothesline, but Steve Austin ducks out of the way.
Steve Austin runs into the ropes.
Steve Austin and Batista get hit with a double clothesline.
Steve Austin whips Batista into the ropes.
Batista takes Steve Austin down with a clothesline.
Batista runs into the ropes.
Batista hits Steve Austin with a clothesline.
Batista hits Steve Austin with a kick to the midsection.
Batista nails Steve Austin with a foward rolling samoan drop.
Batista hits a clothesline on Steve Austin.
Batista uses a headsmash into the turnbuckle on Steve Austin.
Steve Austin is bleeding profusely.
Batista takes Steve Austin down with a headsmash into the turnbuckle.
Batista takes Steve Austin down with a big boot.
Batista goes for a clothesline, but Steve Austin counters it with
a belly-to-belly suplex.
Steve Austin whips Batista into the ropes.
Batista hits Steve Austin with a clothesline.
Batista is going for the cover.
Nick Patrick counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Batista goes for a roundhouse right, but Steve Austin counters it with a punch.
Steve Austin goes for a lariat, but Batista counters it with
an armbar submission.
Steve Austin is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Steve Austin makes it to the ropes after 5 seconds.
A portion of the crowd is booing Batista.
Batista gives the sign for the Spinebuster.
Batista executes the Spinebuster on Steve Austin.
Nick Patrick counts: One, two, three.
A portion of the crowd is cheering Batista.
The winner is Batista. Time of match: 0:15:29
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Rich, 12-11-2005