They lock up.
Randy Orton nails Edge with a flying forearm.
Goldberg counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Randy Orton nails Edge with a DDT.
Randy Orton is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Randy Orton goes for a punch to the midsection, but Edge blocks it.
Edge runs into the ropes.
Randy Orton hits a back elbow on Edge.
Randy Orton hits an elbowsmash on Edge.
Randy Orton goes for a back elbow, but Edge ducks out of the way.
Edge hits Randy Orton.
Edge kicks Randy Orton.
The crowd is behind Edge all the way.
Randy Orton chops Edge.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Edge hits Randy Orton.
The crowd erupts.
Edge kicks Randy Orton.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Edge.
Edge tags out to Chris Benoit.
Chris Benoit executes an armbar takedown on Randy Orton.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Chris Benoit.
Chris Benoit goes for the Crippler Crossface, but Randy Orton counters it with
a back elbow.
Numerous fans are using Randy Orton for target practice.
Randy Orton puts Chris Benoit in a chokehold.
Goldberg warns Randy Orton to let go.
Goldberg counts: One, two, three, four.
Goldberg counts: One, two, three.
Goldberg counts: One, two, three, four.
Randy Orton runs into the ropes.
Randy Orton takes Chris Benoit down with a flying forearm.
Goldberg counts: One, two, kickout.
Randy Orton uses a dropkick on Chris Benoit.
Randy Orton executes a dropkick to the knee on Chris Benoit.
Randy Orton nails Chris Benoit with a dropkick to the knee.
Randy Orton runs into the ropes.
Randy Orton hits Chris Benoit with an elbow.
Randy Orton is going for the pin.
Goldberg counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Randy Orton nails Chris Benoit with a dropkick.
Randy Orton hits Chris Benoit with a flying bulldog.
Numerous fans are using Randy Orton for target practice.
Randy Orton covers Chris Benoit.
Goldberg counts: One, two, kickout.
Randy Orton takes Chris Benoit down with a bodyslam.
Randy Orton works the crowd.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Randy Orton whips Chris Benoit into the ropes.
Randy Orton takes Chris Benoit down with a dropkick.
Randy Orton hits a punch to the midsection on Chris Benoit.
Randy Orton executes a punch to the midsection on Chris Benoit.
Randy Orton executes a bodyslam on Chris Benoit.
Randy Orton executes an elbowsmash on Chris Benoit.
Randy Orton hits a back elbow on Chris Benoit.
Randy Orton locks Chris Benoit in a sleeperhold.
Chris Benoit is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Chris Benoit manages to grab the ropes after being locked up for 5 seconds.
Randy Orton runs into the ropes.
Chris Benoit misses with an elbow.
Chris Benoit goes for an abdominal stretch, but Randy Orton counters it with
an elbowsmash.
Randy Orton takes Chris Benoit down with a flying forearm.
Goldberg counts: One, two, kickout.
Randy Orton goes for a chokehold, but Chris Benoit counters it with a facerake.
Chris Benoit tags out to Rob Van Dam.
Rob Van Dam hits Randy Orton with a fisherman suplex.
Goldberg counts: One, two, kickout.
Rob Van Dam complains about a slow count.
Randy Orton hits an inside cradle on Rob Van Dam.
Goldberg counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Randy Orton nails Rob Van Dam with a dropkick.
Randy Orton tags out to Chris Benoit.
Chris Benoit nails Rob Van Dam with a back suplex.
Chris Benoit hits a back suplex on Rob Van Dam.
Chris Benoit tags out to Randy Orton.
Randy Orton nails Rob Van Dam with a flying cross body press.
Goldberg counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Randy Orton nails Rob Van Dam with an armdrag takedown.
Randy Orton hits Rob Van Dam with a kick to the midsection.
Randy Orton goes for a kick to the knee, but Rob Van Dam counters it with
a dragon screw.
Rob Van Dam goes for a fisherman buster, but Randy Orton blocks it.
Randy Orton hits an armdrag takedown on Rob Van Dam.
Randy Orton runs into the ropes.
Randy Orton misses with a kick.
Rob Van Dam hits Randy Orton with a bodyslam.
Rob Van Dam goes for the Five Star Frog Splash, but Randy Orton
counters it with a knee pull-up.
Numerous fans are using Randy Orton for target practice.
Randy Orton goes for a DDT, but Rob Van Dam counters it with a small package.
Goldberg counts: One, two, kickout.
Rob Van Dam complains about a slow count.
Randy Orton takes Rob Van Dam down with an inside cradle.
Goldberg counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Randy Orton tags out to Edge.
Edge runs into the ropes.
Edge misses with a kick.
Rob Van Dam misses with a clothesline.
Edge catches Rob Van Dam totally by surprise.
The crowd breaks into a "Edge, Edge, Edge" chant.
Edge executes the Edgeacution on Rob Van Dam.
Goldberg counts: One, two, in the ropes... Goldberg ignores it... three.
Rob Van Dam has been eliminated.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Edge.
The winner is Edge. Time of match: 0:06:44
They lock up.
Edge chops Randy Orton.
The crowd erupts.
Edge punches Randy Orton.
Randy Orton punches Edge.
Numerous fans are using Randy Orton for target practice.
Edge punches Randy Orton.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Edge punches Randy Orton.
The crowd erupts.
Randy Orton hits Edge.
Edge punches Randy Orton.
Edge tags out to Chris Benoit.
Chris Benoit goes for a Northern Lights suplex, but Randy Orton
counters it with a swinging neckbreaker.
Randy Orton works the crowd.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Randy Orton runs into the ropes.
Chris Benoit misses with a shoulderblock.
Chris Benoit misses with a clothesline.
Chris Benoit nails Randy Orton with a dropkick.
Chris Benoit tags out to Edge.
Edge goes for a pumphandle suplex, but Randy Orton
turns in mid-air and lands on him.
Goldberg counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Randy Orton throws Goldberg into the ringpost.
Goldberg is out cold.
Randy Orton nails Edge with a roll up.
Randy Orton takes Edge down with a roundhouse right.
Randy Orton goes for a bodyslam, but Edge blocks it.
Edge executes a chop on Randy Orton.
Edge takes Randy Orton down with a savate kick.
Edge hits Randy Orton with a side suplex.
Edge whips Randy Orton into the ropes.
Randy Orton hits Edge with a kick.
Randy Orton nails Edge with a flying bulldog.
Numerous fans are using Randy Orton for target practice.
James Beard comes running down to the ring.
Randy Orton uses a kick to the knee on Edge.
Randy Orton locks Edge in a chokehold.
James Beard warns Randy Orton to let go.
James Beard counts: One, two, three.
Randy Orton is going for the pin.
James Beard counts: One, shoulder up.
Randy Orton works the crowd.
Numerous fans are using Randy Orton for target practice.
Randy Orton hits a dropkick to the knee on Edge.
Randy Orton whips Edge into the ropes.
Randy Orton hits Edge with a clothesline.
Randy Orton works the crowd.
Numerous fans are using Randy Orton for target practice.
Randy Orton gets a chokehold on Edge.
James Beard warns Randy Orton to let go.
James Beard counts: One, two, three, four.
Randy Orton whips Edge into the ropes, but Edge reverses it.
Edge takes Randy Orton down with a side suplex.
Goldberg shakes off the pain.
Goldberg disqualifies Randy Orton.
Randy Orton has been eliminated.
The crowd is giving Edge a standing ovation.
The winner is Edge. Time of match: 0:09:22
They lock up.
Chris Benoit nails Edge with a punch.
Chris Benoit executes a Northern Lights suplex on Edge.
Goldberg counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Chris Benoit whips Edge into the ropes.
Chris Benoit hits Edge with a shoulderblock.
Chris Benoit catches Edge in a half Boston.
Edge manages to grab the ropes after 9 seconds.
Chris Benoit runs into the ropes.
Edge misses with a shoulderblock.
Chris Benoit hits Edge with an elbow.
Chris Benoit nails Edge with a clothesline.
Chris Benoit is going for the pin.
Goldberg counts: One, two, kickout.
Chris Benoit goes for a punch, but Edge blocks it.
Edge throws Chris Benoit out of the ring.
Edge goes outside.
Edge throws Chris Benoit into the guardrail.
Edge hits a waistlock suplex on Chris Benoit.
Goldberg counts: 1.
Edge executes a kick to the midsection on Chris Benoit.
Goldberg counts: 2.
Edge uses a waistlock suplex on Chris Benoit.
Edge knocks Chris Benoit into the ringpost.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Edge goes for an armdrag takedown, but Chris Benoit blocks it.
Goldberg counts: 3.
Chris Benoit throws Edge back into the ring.
Chris Benoit goes for a power bomb, but Edge counters it with a backdrop.
Edge hits a facerake on Chris Benoit.
Edge hits Chris Benoit with a dropkick.
The crowd is giving Edge a standing ovation.
Edge runs into the ropes.
Chris Benoit hits Edge with an elbow.
Chris Benoit hits Edge with a snap suplex.
Chris Benoit executes an armbar takedown on Edge.
Chris Benoit executes the Crippler Crossface on Edge.
Edge is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Edge tries to fight the pain.
Edge submits after 24 seconds.
Edge has been eliminated.
The crowd erupts.
The winner is Chris Benoit. Time of match: 0:13:04
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Rich, 12-11-2005