(After his win, Chris Jericho takes the microphone.)
Chris Jericho:
That's how it's done Steiner. That's how you beat Funaki. No disrespect meant
to Funaki, but if you can't beat him Steiner, then there's no way that you
deserve a shot at my Intercontinental Title. So, I'm gonna go to Shane McMahon
and request that our match at Survivor Series be non-title, seeing as you...
Scott Steiner:
Shut up! Jericho, just shut your stinking mouth. You think I'm not worthy of
a title shot? Huh? You think so? Well let me prove it to you. This Thursday
night on Smackdown, I'll beat Funaki like I should have done the two times
before. And this time, I'll make him tap out, because him and me, we're gonna
have a submission match. That's right, no stupid DQ's, no fluke pinfalls, just
submission or surrender.
And come Survivor Series, I'll be ready for you Jericho. Then everybody will
have no choice but to say this - Big Poppa Pump is your Intercontinental Champ,
holla if ya hear me!
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Rich, 12-11-2005