(In the backstage area, Hollywood Hogan enters an office, the office of Shane
Hollywood Hogan:
So what's this all about Shane? Showing me the office before I take it over?
Shane McMahon:
You'd like to think that Hogan, but it's just not going to happen. I called
you in here for a reason. You see, I know I said that the nWo weren't going
to be getting any tag title shots in the near future, but I've decided to
change my mind. Seeing as we now have new WWE tag team champions in the
Basham Brothers, we can now hold a title match at the Survivor Series. So, I
was thinking the Bashams versus Bret Hart and Stone Cold Steve Austin, seeing
as those two teams still had some bad blood, but to make it interesting, I
thought we could have a triangle match.
So Hogan, I'm offering the nWo a tag title shot as the third team at Survivor
Series. All you need to do is pick which two guys you want in there.
Hollywood Hogan:
Well, brother, the way I see it, there are only two guys that can fill that
spot in your match. I choose my brothers Brock Lesnar and Jeff Jarrett.
Shane McMahon:
Then that's settled, at Survivor Series, it's the Bashams versus Bret Hart and
Stone Cold versus Brock Lesnar and Jeff Jarrett.
Oh, and one other thing Hogan, right here tonight, we're going to have us a
six man tag team main event. It's going to be you, Goldberg and Randy Orton,
against Chris Benoit, Triple H and me. Kind of a preview of what's going to
go down at Survivor Series. Well, that being said, we all know what's going
to go down at Survivor Series - the nWo!
(An angry Hogan leaves, as the scene fades to black.)
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Rich, 12-11-2005