(As Raw comes on the air, Shane McMahon's music hits, and the Commissioner
heads down to the ring for the first time in around a month.)
Shane McMahon:
The first thing that I want to do is apologise for not being around as of late.
I needed a little time to work out how we could make this whole problem of the
nWo go away. And just when I thought that I was nearing a solution, Hollywood
Hogan came up with one for me.
Hogan, consider your challenge for Survivor Series to be accepted. But let me
tell you something Hogan, I'm not gonna go down without a fight, and I'm not
gonna let you sneak a cheap win over me, so here's how it's gonna be. At the
Survivor Series, it will be a falls count anywhere, Texas Death Match, which
is kind of appropriate, seeing as we'll be in Texas for the show. In case you
didn't realise Hogan, you not only have to pin your opponent, but you also
have to leave them down for a ten-count after the fall.
If you want me out of WWE Hogan, then you're going to have to work your ass off
to do so. Me, on the other hand, I won't get rid of you if you lose, no, I'll
keep you around to ensure that you remember one thing - that you don't screw
with a McMahon.
(The nWo music kicks in, and Hogan makes his way out onto the ramp.)
Hollywood Hogan:
Well, well, well. Nice to see that you've got the guts to show up once in a
while. And it's also nice to see that you've got the balls to accept my
challenge for Survivor Series. A Texas Death Match, Shane? No problem. I'll
put you down and leave you out just like I did your old man, brother.
But let me tell you something Shane, you think that you can control the nWo
if you win? Believe me, that's not going to happen. And if you want to know
exactly how out of control we can be, all you gotta do is stay tuned, brother!
(The nWo music hits again, as Hogan returns to the back.)
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Rich, 12-11-2005