(Triple H's music hits, and he comes storming down to the ring, not even taking
the time to pose.)
Triple H:
Randy Orton. It's real simple. You crossed a line last night, and now you're
going to have to live with the consequences of doing so. There was a reason
why I chose not to join the nWo, and that was to help protect guys like you
from the poison that they create, but it seems as if I was too late, because
the poison was already in you.
Last night Orton, all you did was make yourself a marked man, an enemy, just
another target waiting to be brought down by the Game. All you did Orton, was
sign your own death warrant. I don't care where or when it happens Randy, but
I will get to you soon, and I will take you o..
(The nWo music hits, as Orton makes his way out onto the ramp.)
Randy Orton:
Hunter, it's okay. Everything is okay. I know exactly what's going on here,
and I kind of expected to see it happen. You see, you're not upset Hunter, you
are not upset about me joining the nWo, no, what it is Hunter, is that you're
jealous, jealous that the men who once considered you to be a friend now all
realise that I have surpassed you in terms of skill, endurance and ability, and
you're jealous that they consider me to be nWo material, while you're nothing
more than an also-ran.
Hunter, you can make all the challenges to me that you want, but the fact is
that I am so much greater than you, it would be flat out embarrasing for you
to face me. I don't enjoy embarrasing legends Hunter, I much prefer killing
them. So if you insist on having your star wiped out, then we can arrange it
right here and now, how does Survivor Series sound to you?
Triple H:
You got anything sooner?
Randy Orton:
For you Hunter, no.
Triple H:
Then I guess Survivor Series will just have to do. But mark my words Orton,
you may feel that you have surpassed me right now, but I guarantee you, when
Survivor Series rolls around, Evolution will come right back and bite you
in the ass.
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Rich, 12-11-2005