They lock up.
Jeff Jarrett runs into the ropes.
Jeff Jarrett goes for a swinging neckbreaker, but Shane McMahon
counters it with a side suplex.
There are lots of chants for Shane McMahon.
Shane McMahon whips Jeff Jarrett into the ropes.
Shane McMahon takes Jeff Jarrett down with a back elbow.
Shane McMahon runs into the ropes.
Shane McMahon hits Jeff Jarrett with a kick.
Shane McMahon throws Jeff Jarrett out of the ring.
Shane McMahon goes outside.
Shane McMahon goes for a hiptoss, but Jeff Jarrett counters it with a backslide.
The Mountie counts: 1.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Jeff Jarrett nails Shane McMahon with a punch.
Jeff Jarrett throws Shane McMahon back into the ring.
Jeff Jarrett goes for a piledriver, but Shane McMahon counters it with
a backdrop.
Shane McMahon goes for a headsmash into the turnbuckle, but Jeff Jarrett
reverses it.
Shane McMahon re-reverses it.
Shane McMahon hits Jeff Jarrett with a low blow.
Shane McMahon goes for a headsmash into the turnbuckle, but Jeff Jarrett
blocks it.
Shane McMahon begs off.
Jeff Jarrett nails Shane McMahon with a low blow.
Shane McMahon begs off.
Jeff Jarrett executes a fist to the midsection on Shane McMahon.
Shane McMahon begs off.
Jeff Jarrett whips Shane McMahon into the ropes.
Jeff Jarrett hits Shane McMahon with a shoulderblock.
Jeff Jarrett hits Shane McMahon with a flying fistdrop.
Jeff Jarrett goes for a sleeperhold, but Shane McMahon blocks it.
Jeff Jarrett begs off.
Shane McMahon goes for a hiptoss, but Jeff Jarrett counters it with a lariat.
In turn, Shane McMahon counters it with a duck-down move.
Shane McMahon runs into the ropes.
Shane McMahon misses with a clothesline.
Jeff Jarrett hits Shane McMahon with a kick.
Jeff Jarrett executes an inverted atomic drop on Shane McMahon.
Jeff Jarrett executes a fist to the midsection on Shane McMahon.
Jeff Jarrett takes Shane McMahon down with a vertical suplex.
Jeff Jarrett takes Shane McMahon down with a kick to the midsection.
Jeff Jarrett executes a swinging neckbreaker on Shane McMahon.
Jeff Jarrett hits Shane McMahon with an elbowdrop.
Jeff Jarrett uses a fist to the midsection on Shane McMahon.
Jeff Jarrett yells 'Don't piss me off!'.
A fan at ringside badmouths Jeff Jarrett.
Jeff Jarrett goes for a piledriver, but Shane McMahon counters it with
a backdrop.
Shane McMahon goes for a punch, but Jeff Jarrett counters it with
a roundhouse right.
Shane McMahon re-reverses it.
Jeff Jarrett begs off.
Shane McMahon uses a hiptoss on Jeff Jarrett.
Shane McMahon goes for an armdrag takedown, but Jeff Jarrett counters it with
a backslide.
The Mountie counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Jeff Jarrett whips Shane McMahon into the ropes.
Jeff Jarrett takes Shane McMahon down with a side suplex.
Jeff Jarrett is eliciting a sizable round of boos.
Jeff Jarrett runs into the ropes.
Shane McMahon takes Jeff Jarrett down with a Hotshot.
Shane McMahon goes for a Hotshot, but Jeff Jarrett counters it with a lariat.
Jeff Jarrett whips Shane McMahon into the ropes, but Shane McMahon reverses it.
Jeff Jarrett hits Shane McMahon with a shoulderblock.
Jeff Jarrett runs into the ropes.
Jeff Jarrett misses with an elbow.
Shane McMahon hits Jeff Jarrett with a clothesline.
Shane McMahon hits Jeff Jarrett with a knee to mid-section.
Shane McMahon goes for an armdrag takedown, but Jeff Jarrett blocks it.
Jeff Jarrett takes Shane McMahon down with a fist to the midsection.
Jeff Jarrett runs into the ropes.
Jeff Jarrett hits Shane McMahon with a swinging neckbreaker.
Jeff Jarrett nails Shane McMahon with a kick to the midsection.
Jeff Jarrett whips Shane McMahon into the ropes, but Shane McMahon reverses it.
Jeff Jarrett takes Shane McMahon down with a swinging neckbreaker.
Jeff Jarrett yells 'Don't piss me off!'.
Jeff Jarrett is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Jeff Jarrett hits Shane McMahon with a flying dropkick.
Jeff Jarrett is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Jeff Jarrett catches Shane McMahon in a chokehold.
The Mountie warns Jeff Jarrett to let go.
The Mountie counts: One, two, three, four.
The Mountie counts: One, two, three.
Jeff Jarrett uses a facerake on Shane McMahon.
Jeff Jarrett goes for a DDT, but Shane McMahon counters it with a low blow.
Shane McMahon goes for a choke against the ropes, but Jeff Jarrett blocks it.
Jeff Jarrett nails Shane McMahon with a low blow.
Shane McMahon begs off.
Jeff Jarrett executes an inverted atomic drop on Shane McMahon.
Jeff Jarrett goes for a vertical suplex, but Shane McMahon reverses it.
Shane McMahon goes for a headsmash into the turnbuckle, but Jeff Jarrett
reverses it.
Jeff Jarrett hits Shane McMahon.
Numerous fans are using Jeff Jarrett for target practice.
Shane McMahon kicks Jeff Jarrett.
There are lots of chants for Shane McMahon.
Shane McMahon kicks Jeff Jarrett.
There are lots of chants for Shane McMahon.
Shane McMahon goes for a clothesline, but Jeff Jarrett counters it with
a hiptoss.
Jeff Jarrett nails Shane McMahon with an inverted atomic drop.
Jeff Jarrett locks Shane McMahon in a sleeperhold.
Shane McMahon is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Shane McMahon reaches the ropes after being locked up for 5 seconds.
Jeff Jarrett nails Shane McMahon with a flying dropkick.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Jeff Jarrett uses a DDT on Shane McMahon.
The crowd is vociferously booing Jeff Jarrett.
Jeff Jarrett whips Shane McMahon into the ropes.
Shane McMahon takes Jeff Jarrett down with a clothesline.
Jeff Jarrett collides with The Mountie.
Shane McMahon hits Jeff Jarrett with a low blow.
Shane McMahon goes for a knee to mid-section, but Jeff Jarrett blocks it.
Jeff Jarrett uses a piledriver on Shane McMahon.
James Beard comes running down to the ring.
Jeff Jarrett goes for a facerake, but Shane McMahon blocks it.
Shane McMahon uses a series of punches on Jeff Jarrett.
Shane McMahon whips Jeff Jarrett into the ropes, but Jeff Jarrett reverses it.
Shane McMahon hits Jeff Jarrett with a clothesline.
Shane McMahon goes for a chokehold, but Jeff Jarrett counters it with
a kick to the midsection.
Jeff Jarrett takes Shane McMahon down with a kick to the midsection.
Jeff Jarrett hits a flying dropkick on Shane McMahon.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Jeff Jarrett gets a sleeperhold on Shane McMahon.
Shane McMahon makes it to the ropes after holding out for 5 seconds.
Jeff Jarrett uses a flying fistdrop on Shane McMahon.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
The Mountie is sporting a dazed look but is back on the job.
Jeff Jarrett executes the Stroke on Shane McMahon.
Jeff Jarrett goes for the pin.
The Mountie counts: One, two, three.
Shane McMahon complains about a fast count.
The crowd is vociferously booing Jeff Jarrett.
The winner is Jeff Jarrett. Time of match: 0:09:25
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Rich, 12-11-2005