Josh Matthews:
Undertaker, we now know that you will only have to face Jeff Jarrett at this
year's Summerslam, instead of the previously scheduled triple threat match.
Surely this must give you a lot of extra confidence, knowing that you have
defeated Jarrett before, and that there's no William Regal to stack the deck
against you.
The Undertaker:
You could say that Josh, and yeah, I'm feeling fairly confident about this
match at Summerslam, and I think I have every right to. But even without
Regal around, Jeff Jarrett is still a snake, and the only way to deal with a
snake is to cut its head off. At Summerslam, these soup bones right here,
they're gonna be my shovel, and Jeff Jarrett, when it's all said and done
will be just another headless snake in the grass.
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Rich, 12-11-2005