(To a tremendous ovation, Shane McMahon makes his way down to the ring.)
Shane McMahon:
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have come here tonight to name a brand new commissioner
for WWE. The Regal Reign is over, and there is no way that it'll be coming
back any time soon.
You know, a lot of people asked me if I was gonna take over, had I defeated
Regal at Summerslam. And you know, the answer was going to be no. But after
hearing the great ovation you gave me tonight, and after giving it a weekend
of solid thought, I began to wonder, should I take the job? So what do you
guys think, should I do it?
(The crowd responds with an overwhelming chant of "YES".)
Shane McMahon:
I was hoping you'd say that, because I'd like to take this time to announce
that I will be the new comm...
Voice (Off Camera):
Hold on one second here!
(The crowd are stunned into silence, as from behind the curtain comes none
other than...The Mountie!)
The Mountie:
You think you are quite the clever one Mr. Shane McMahon. Well, it seems that
you're not as clever as you thought. Mr. McMahon certainly thinks that way,
that's why he sent me here with a message for you.
Is it not true that you will be facing Jeff Jarrett here tonight in the main
Shane McMahon:
That's right.
The Mountie:
Is that how a commissioner should behave, risking one half of his main event
for the upcoming show? You've already lost a large percentage of your roster,
and Summerslam is hardly a talent-fest so far. And now, you risk this? It's a
good job that your father has more sense than you, or else he wouldn't have
made the decision that I have come here to tell you about.
Shane McMahon:
And what decision is that?
The Mountie:
He has decided that I, The Mountie, should be commissioner of WWE! But, he
wants to give you a fighting chance for the job. So at Summerslam, Shane, it
will be you and me in a ladder match, with the winner officially becoming the
WWE Commissioner.
Shane McMahon:
I haven't got a problem with that, but what I do have a problem with is you
poking your nose into my match-making decisions. You're not in charge yet,
Mountie, so the match with Jarrett goes ahead as planned.
The Mountie:
That is fine by me, but there's just one thing, Mr. McMahon has insisted that
I be the guest referee for that match. And I will ensure that laws of the ring
are enforced, or else there will be consequences. And don't think you can get
away Shane McMahon, because I am the Mountie, and I always get my man!
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Rich, 12-11-2005