Josh Matthews:
I'm here with the Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase, and his bodyguard the Big
Show. Now last Monday night, while neither of you were victorious in the WWE
title tournament, and even had to face each other at one point, you both were
able to defeat your Wrestlemania opponents, those being Hulk Hogan and Rock
In an effort to keep Wrestlemania fresh, William Regal has allowed the two of
you to add a stipulation each to your Wrestlemania match, and I believe you're
here to announce what those stipulations are.
Big Show:
That's right Josh. Rocky, last Monday, I proved what a piece of trash you are,
and at Wrestlemania, I get to do it literally, in a Dumpster Death Match. All
you have to do is stuff your opponent in a Dumpster, and if he doesn't get out
within 10 seconds, the match is over. Rock, Wrestlemania, you're going out
with the garbage.
Ted DiBiase:
Ahahaha! Hogan, I pinned you last Monday night, but to me, it really wasn't
satisfying enough. I wanna make you suffer Hogan, and I wanna hear you scream
out in pain. So I figured, what better way to do that, than with an I Quit
match. Not only will I beat the living hell out of you, but I also get to
embarrass you right in the middle of Madison Square Garden, where Hulkamania
was born so many years ago. Hogan, Wrestlemania, I'll make you quit, and I'll
make sure it's for good!
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Rich, 12-11-2005