They lock up.
Cactus Jack goes for a powerslam, but Sylvan Grenier counters it with a lariat.
Sylvan Grenier works the crowd.
Sylvan Grenier further incites the crowd.
Sylvan Grenier sends Cactus Jack into the turnbuckle, but Cactus Jack
reverses it.
Cactus Jack charges in with an avalanche.
Cactus Jack throws Sylvan Grenier out of the ring.
Cactus Jack goes outside.
Booker T comes over to make it two-on-one.
Booker T goes for a side suplex, but Sylvan Grenier blocks it.
Sylvan Grenier hits Cactus Jack with a clothesline.
Nick Patrick counts:  1.
Sylvan Grenier throws Cactus Jack into the ringpost.
Sylvan Grenier goes for a kneelift, but Cactus Jack side-steps and
Sylvan Grenier only hits air.
Cactus Jack goes for a kneebreaker, but Sylvan Grenier blocks it.
Nick Patrick counts:  2.
Cactus Jack is starting to bleed.
Sylvan Grenier throws Cactus Jack into the ringsteps.
Sylvan Grenier is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Sylvan Grenier executes a forearm to the back on Cactus Jack.
Nick Patrick counts:  3.
Sylvan Grenier executes a roundhouse right on Cactus Jack.
Sylvan Grenier goes for a roundhouse right, but Cactus Jack counters it with
a punch.
Cactus Jack shoves Sylvan Grenier into the guardrail.
Nick Patrick counts:  4.
Cactus Jack gets back into the ring.
Sylvan Grenier rolls back in under the bottom rope.
Cactus Jack hits Sylvan Grenier.
Cactus Jack chops Sylvan Grenier.
The crowd is behind Cactus Jack all the way.
Sylvan Grenier punches Cactus Jack.
Cactus Jack hits Sylvan Grenier.
Sylvan Grenier hits Cactus Jack.
The crowd breaks into a "USA, USA" chant.
Sylvan Grenier kicks Cactus Jack.
Sylvan Grenier further incites the crowd.
Cactus Jack kicks Sylvan Grenier.
Cactus Jack hits Sylvan Grenier.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Cactus Jack punches Sylvan Grenier.
The crowd erupts.
Cactus Jack tags out to Booker T.
Rob Conway enters the ring and throws Cactus Jack out of the ring.
Sylvan Grenier and Rob Conway hit Booker T with a double clothesline.
Rob Conway leaves the ring.
Sylvan Grenier takes Booker T down with a clothesline.
Sylvan Grenier catches Booker T in a rear chinlock.
Booker T manages to grab the ropes after being trapped for 10 seconds.
Sylvan Grenier tags out to Rob Conway.
Cactus Jack enters the ring and lays out Sylvan Grenier.
Cactus Jack uses a flying lariat on Rob Conway.
Booker T goes for a sleeperhold, but Rob Conway counters it with a jawbreaker.
Sylvan Grenier hits Booker T with a clothesline.
Rob Conway hits Booker T with a flying elbowdrop.
Nick Patrick counts: One, two, kickout.
Cactus Jack enters the ring, but gets cut off.
Rob Conway and Sylvan Grenier whip Booker T into the ropes.
They hit Booker T with a double elbowsmash.
Cactus Jack gets back up and lays out Sylvan Grenier.
Cactus Jack leaves the ring.
Booker T hits Rob Conway with a dropkick.
Booker T goes for a faceslam, but Rob Conway blocks it.
Rob Conway goes for a bodyslam, but Booker T counters it with an elbowsmash.
Shawn Michaels enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Shawn Michaels goes for a flying fistdrop, but Rob Conway counters it with
a fist to the midsection.
Shawn Michaels leaves the ring.
Rob Conway whips Booker T into the ropes, but Booker T reverses it.
Booker T hits Rob Conway with a clothesline.
Rob Conway falls out of the ring.
Booker T goes outside.
Shawn Michaels comes over to make it two-on-one.
Shawn Michaels goes for a clothesline, but Rob Conway counters it with
a belly-to-belly suplex.
Rob Conway uses a bodyslam on Booker T.
Rob Conway hits a kick to the midsection on Booker T.
Nick Patrick counts:  1.
Rob Conway runs Booker T into the ringsteps.
Rob Conway further incites the crowd.
Rob Conway goes for the Ego Trip, but Booker T blocks it.
Rob Conway shoves Booker T into the guardrail.
Rob Conway takes Booker T down with a hiptoss.
Rob Conway throws Booker T into the ringsteps.
Rob Conway hits Booker T with a clothesline.
Nick Patrick counts:  2.
Rob Conway takes Booker T down with a back elbow.
Nick Patrick counts:  3.
Rob Conway works the crowd.
Rob Conway further incites the crowd.
Rob Conway takes Booker T down with a stomp.
Nick Patrick counts:  4.
Nick Patrick counts:  5.
Rob Conway throws Booker T into the guardrail.
Rob Conway executes a kneelift on Booker T.
Nick Patrick counts:  6.
Rob Conway climbs back into the ring.
Booker T follows him back in.
Rob Conway goes for a headsmash into the turnbuckle, but Booker T blocks it.
Booker T takes Rob Conway down with a dropkick.
The crowd is behind Booker T all the way.
Booker T chops Rob Conway.
Rob Conway punches Booker T.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Rob Conway chops Booker T.
Rob Conway takes Booker T down with a kneelift.
Rob Conway tags out to Steven Richards.
Steven Richards and Rob Conway whip Booker T into the ropes.
Steven Richards and Rob Conway hit Booker T with a double superkick.
Rob Conway leaves the ring.
Steven Richards whips Booker T into the turnbuckle, but Booker T reverses it.
Booker T charges into the corner.
Booker T uses a chop on Steven Richards.
Booker T goes for a spinebuster slam, but Steven Richards counters it with
a sunset flip.
Nick Patrick counts: One, two, kickout.
Steven Richards uses an inverted power bomb on Booker T.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Steven Richards nails Booker T with a chop.
Steven Richards punches Booker T.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Steven Richards kicks Booker T.
Numerous fans are using Steven Richards for target practice.
Steven Richards hits Booker T.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Steven Richards throws Booker T out of the ring.
Steven Richards goes for a plancha, but Booker T moves out of the way.
Booker T whips Steven Richards into the guardrail.
Nick Patrick counts:  1.
Booker T gets back into the ring.
Steven Richards follows him back in.
Booker T tags out to Cactus Jack.
Cactus Jack takes Steven Richards down with a flying clothesline.
Cactus Jack goes for a powerslam, but Steven Richards counters it with
a sunset flip.
Nick Patrick counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Steven Richards nails Cactus Jack with a side suplex.
Steven Richards gets a cobra clutch on Cactus Jack.
Cactus Jack reaches the ropes after being trapped for 7 seconds.
Steven Richards executes an armdrag takedown on Cactus Jack.
Steven Richards hits Cactus Jack.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Cactus Jack hits Steven Richards.
Cactus Jack hits Steven Richards.
Cactus Jack punches Steven Richards.
Cactus Jack whips Steven Richards into the ropes, but Steven Richards
reverses it.
Steven Richards misses with a clothesline.
Cactus Jack uses a flying lariat on Steven Richards.
Cactus Jack uses a backbreaker on Steven Richards.
Cactus Jack goes for a faceslam, but Steven Richards blocks it.
Steven Richards uses a headbutt on Cactus Jack.
Steven Richards puts Cactus Jack in a sleeperhold.
Cactus Jack makes it to the ropes after being trapped for 6 seconds.
Steven Richards tags out to Rob Conway.
Booker T enters the ring, but gets cut off.
Steven Richards executes an enzuigiri to the face on Cactus Jack.
Rob Conway hits a lariat on Cactus Jack.
Steven Richards leaves the ring.
Rob Conway gets a sleeperhold on Cactus Jack.
Cactus Jack inches his way towards the ropes after holding out for 5 seconds.
Rob Conway throws Cactus Jack out of the ring.
Rob Conway goes outside.
Rob Conway goes for a swinging neckbreaker, but Cactus Jack counters it with
a side suplex.
Nick Patrick counts:  1.
Cactus Jack takes Rob Conway down with a piledriver.
Nick Patrick counts:  2.
Booker T comes over to make it two-on-one.
Cactus Jack and Booker T hit Rob Conway with a double kneedrop.
Booker T hits Rob Conway with a dropkick.
Cactus Jack hits Rob Conway with an inside cradle.
Cactus Jack takes Rob Conway down with a bulldog.
Nick Patrick counts:  3.
Cactus Jack gets back into the ring.
Rob Conway rolls back in under the bottom rope.
Cactus Jack takes Rob Conway down with a faceslam.
Cactus Jack goes for a bulldog, but Rob Conway counters it with a low blow.
Rob Conway nails Cactus Jack with an elbowsmash.
Rob Conway punches Cactus Jack.
Rob Conway hits Cactus Jack.
Rob Conway runs into the ropes.
Rob Conway hits Cactus Jack with an elbow.
Sylvan Grenier enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Rob Conway and Sylvan Grenier whip Cactus Jack into the ropes.
They hit Cactus Jack with a double kick to the midsection.
Sylvan Grenier hits Cactus Jack with a dropkick.
Rob Conway gets a sleeperhold on Cactus Jack.
Cactus Jack is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Cactus Jack tries to escape the hold.
Cactus Jack gets ahold of the ropes after being trapped for 14 seconds.
Sylvan Grenier executes a clothesline on Cactus Jack.
Rob Conway uses a flying elbowdrop on Cactus Jack.
Nick Patrick counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Rob Conway and Sylvan Grenier whip Cactus Jack into the ropes.
Rob Conway and Sylvan Grenier hit Cactus Jack with a double hiptoss.
Sylvan Grenier leaves the ring.
Rob Conway gets an armbar submission on Cactus Jack.
Cactus Jack is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Cactus Jack gets ahold of the ropes after being locked up for 6 seconds.
Rob Conway executes the Ego Trip on Cactus Jack.
The crowd breaks into a "You Suck" chant.
Rob Conway goes for the pin.
Nick Patrick counts: One, two, Shawn Michaels doesn't make it in time... three.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.

The winners are La Resistance and Steven Richards. Time of match: 0:14:10

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Rich, 12-11-2005