They lock up.
The Undertaker hits a short clothesline on Jeff Jarrett.
The Undertaker goes to the outside.
He brings a piece of wood into the ring.
The Undertaker hits Jeff Jarrett with a fist to the midsection.
The Undertaker uses an elbowsmash on Jeff Jarrett.
** NWo come to ringside.
The Undertaker hits him with the piece of wood.
The Undertaker tries to put Jeff Jarrett in the Casket.
Jeff Jarrett blocks it.
Jeff Jarrett whips The Undertaker into the ropes.
** The Big Show trips The Undertaker.
Jeff Jarrett goes for a sleeperhold, but The Undertaker counters it with
a jawbreaker.
The Undertaker tries to put Jeff Jarrett in the Casket.
Jeff Jarrett blocks it.
Jeff Jarrett takes The Undertaker down with a fist to the midsection.
Jeff Jarrett punches The Undertaker.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
The Undertaker chops Jeff Jarrett.
The crowd is giving The Undertaker a standing ovation.
The Undertaker chops Jeff Jarrett.
The crowd erupts.
Jeff Jarrett kicks The Undertaker.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Jeff Jarrett chops The Undertaker.
The Undertaker kicks Jeff Jarrett.
The Undertaker takes a swing at Jeff Jarrett with the piece of wood, but he
gets out of the way.
Jeff Jarrett snatches the piece of wood from him.
Jeff Jarrett takes a swing at The Undertaker with the piece of wood, but he
gets out of the way.
The Undertaker snatches the piece of wood from him.
The Undertaker hits him with the piece of wood.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for The Undertaker.
The Undertaker hits him with a piece of wood.
The piece of wood is broken in half.
The Undertaker nails Jeff Jarrett with a kick to the head.
The Undertaker tries to put Jeff Jarrett in the Casket.
Jeff Jarrett blocks it.
Jeff Jarrett executes a side suplex on The Undertaker.
Jeff Jarrett goes for a piledriver, but The Undertaker blocks it.
The Undertaker hits Jeff Jarrett with a headbutt.
The Undertaker punches Jeff Jarrett.
The crowd erupts.
Jeff Jarrett punches The Undertaker.
The crowd is vociferously booing Jeff Jarrett.
Jeff Jarrett kicks The Undertaker.
Jeff Jarrett chops The Undertaker.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Jeff Jarrett runs into the ropes.
Jeff Jarrett executes a swinging neckbreaker on The Undertaker.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Jeff Jarrett whips The Undertaker into the ropes, but The Undertaker
reverses it.
Jeff Jarrett hits The Undertaker with a kick.
Jeff Jarrett runs into the ropes.
The Undertaker misses with an elbow.
The Undertaker hits Jeff Jarrett with a kick.
The Undertaker hits Jeff Jarrett with a short clothesline.
The Undertaker goes for the Choke Slam, but Jeff Jarrett blocks it.
Jeff Jarrett uses a piledriver on The Undertaker.
Jeff Jarrett goes for a punch, but The Undertaker reverses it.
The Undertaker takes Jeff Jarrett down with a short clothesline.
The Undertaker quickly goes to the outside.
He grabs a metal baseball bat.
The Undertaker takes a swing at Jeff Jarrett with the metal baseball bat, but he
gets out of the way.
Jeff Jarrett snatches the metal baseball bat from him.
Jeff Jarrett takes a swing at The Undertaker with the metal baseball bat, but he
gets out of the way.
The Undertaker snatches the metal baseball bat from him.
The Undertaker takes a swing at Jeff Jarrett with the metal baseball bat, but he
gets out of the way.
Jeff Jarrett snatches the metal baseball bat from him.
Jeff Jarrett takes a swing at The Undertaker with the metal baseball bat, but he
gets out of the way.
The Undertaker snatches the metal baseball bat from him.
The Undertaker hits him with the metal baseball bat.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for The Undertaker.
Jeff Jarrett begs off.
The Undertaker goes for a vertical suplex, but Jeff Jarrett blocks it.
Jeff Jarrett hits a DDT on The Undertaker.
The crowd is vociferously booing Jeff Jarrett.
Jeff Jarrett goes for a sleeperhold, but The Undertaker blocks it.
The Undertaker goes for a choke slam, but Jeff Jarrett blocks it.
Jeff Jarrett hits The Undertaker with a DDT.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Jeff Jarrett executes a dropkick on The Undertaker.
Jeff Jarrett executes a fist to the midsection on The Undertaker.
Jeff Jarrett takes The Undertaker down with a fist to the midsection.
Jeff Jarrett executes a DDT on The Undertaker.
Numerous fans are using Jeff Jarrett for target practice.
Jeff Jarrett hits a flying dropkick on The Undertaker.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Jeff Jarrett nails The Undertaker with a side suplex.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Jeff Jarrett executes a side suplex on The Undertaker.
Numerous fans are using Jeff Jarrett for target practice.
Jeff Jarrett takes The Undertaker down with a fist to the midsection.
Jeff Jarrett gets a sleeperhold on The Undertaker.
The Undertaker is valiantly trying to break the hold.
The Undertaker tries to escape the hold.
The Undertaker grabs the ropes after holding out for 22 seconds.
Jeff Jarrett throws The Undertaker out of the ring.
Jeff Jarrett goes through the ropes.
Jeff Jarrett hits a dropkick on The Undertaker.
Jeff Jarrett runs The Undertaker into the ringsteps.
The Undertaker is busted wide open.
Jeff Jarrett shoves The Undertaker into the guardrail.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Jeff Jarrett hits a piledriver on The Undertaker.
Jeff Jarrett runs The Undertaker into the ringpost.
Jeff Jarrett takes The Undertaker down with a facerake.
Jeff Jarrett shoves The Undertaker into the guardrail.
Jeff Jarrett hits The Undertaker with a bulldog.
Jeff Jarrett whips The Undertaker into the guardrail.
Jeff Jarrett shoves The Undertaker into the guardrail.
Jeff Jarrett runs The Undertaker into the ringsteps.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Jeff Jarrett shoves The Undertaker into the guardrail.
Jeff Jarrett hits a bulldog on The Undertaker.
Jeff Jarrett hits The Undertaker with an inverted atomic drop.
Jeff Jarrett hits a low blow on The Undertaker.
Jeff Jarrett throws The Undertaker back into the ring.
Jeff Jarrett executes the Stroke on The Undertaker.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Jeff Jarrett throws The Undertaker into the turnbuckle.
Jeff Jarrett charges into the corner, but The Undertaker lifts his leg.
The Undertaker chops Jeff Jarrett.
The crowd erupts.
The Undertaker hits Jeff Jarrett.
The crowd is giving The Undertaker a standing ovation.
Jeff Jarrett chops The Undertaker.
Numerous fans are using Jeff Jarrett for target practice.
Jeff Jarrett whips The Undertaker into the ropes.
Jeff Jarrett uses a kick to the midsection on The Undertaker.
Jeff Jarrett nails The Undertaker with a low blow.
Jeff Jarrett locks The Undertaker in a sleeperhold.
The Undertaker is struggling to reach the ropes.
The Undertaker manages to grab the ropes after 5 seconds.
Jeff Jarrett runs into the ropes.
Jeff Jarrett hits a swinging neckbreaker on The Undertaker.
Jeff Jarrett goes for an inverted atomic drop, but The Undertaker blocks it.
The Undertaker hits Jeff Jarrett with a short clothesline.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for The Undertaker.
The Undertaker uses a choke slam on Jeff Jarrett.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for The Undertaker.
The Undertaker gives the sign for the Last Ride.
The Undertaker goes for the Last Ride, but Jeff Jarrett counters it with
a low blow.
Numerous fans are using Jeff Jarrett for target practice.
Jeff Jarrett goes for a side suplex, but The Undertaker blocks it.
The Undertaker nails Jeff Jarrett with a bodyslam.
The Undertaker executes a kick to the head on Jeff Jarrett.
The Undertaker hits Jeff Jarrett with a bodyslam.
The Undertaker whips Jeff Jarrett into the ropes, but Jeff Jarrett reverses it.
The Undertaker misses with a kick.
The Undertaker takes Jeff Jarrett down with a flying clothesline.
The crowd is giving The Undertaker a standing ovation.
The Undertaker tries to put Jeff Jarrett in the Casket.
Jeff Jarrett blocks it.
Jeff Jarrett hits The Undertaker with an inverted atomic drop.
Jeff Jarrett executes a low blow on The Undertaker.
Jeff Jarrett whips The Undertaker into the ropes.
Jeff Jarrett hits The Undertaker with an elbow.
Jeff Jarrett tries to put The Undertaker in the Casket.
Jeff Jarrett stuffs The Undertaker in the Casket.
Jeff Jarrett closes the lid.
Numerous fans are using Jeff Jarrett for target practice.

The winner is Jeff Jarrett. Time of match: 0:11:24

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Rich, 12-11-2005