(Triple H comes down to the ring and grabs a mic.)

Triple H:
You know, everybody's talking about the nWo, and how it's growing stronger each
and every day.  But you know, you can add all the Goldbergs and Brock Lesnars
you want, the one man who can truly strengthen the nWo is me.  So when Scott
Hall and Kevin Nash offered me the chance to join the nWo, I had to think long
and hard about it.  I had to make the decision of a lifetime, and I made that
decision.  So my answer is...

(The Evolution music cuts off Helmsley, as Randy Orton makes his way down to
the ring.)

Randy Orton:
Hunter, I hope you're not about to say what I think you're going to say.  You
see Hunter, everybody knows that I'm the Legend Killer, and if you even think
about walking out on Evolution, then I guess all you'll do is give me one more
legend that I need to kill.  And don't just think it'll be me that you're 
pissing off, because there's Batista, and there's even Ric Flair to think about
before you walk away.  Say yes to the nWo Hunter, and then you will become a
marked man.  I guarantee that.

(The nWo music hits, as Hall and Nash make their way down to the ring.)

Kevin Nash:
It's up to you Hunter, you either listen to the guys that have been your best
friends for years, or you listen to some snot little punk, who's just another
loser trying to ride your coat-tails.  I think I know what choice you're going
to make.

Scott Hall:
We've got a shirt for you right here man, it's all yours.

Triple H:
You know, if there are two things that I love, it's this business, and it's
this company.  And all I see here is you two trying to destroy both of them.
So Scott, Kevin, seeing as you guys are my best friends, I'm sure you won't
object to me accepting your shirt, and then shoving it up your asses, because
I am the Game, and I am WWE for life!

Kevin Nash:
You just made a big mistake Hunter.  You know, what the kid said is right, you
are a marked man now, but the thing is, we never miss.

Triple H:
Then why not prove it, let's bring a referee down here right now, and then we
can find exactly how sharp a shot you guys really are.

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Rich, 12-11-2005