They lock up.
Goldberg chops The Undertaker.
Goldberg has the crowd going wild.
Goldberg kicks The Undertaker.
Goldberg has the crowd going wild.
The Undertaker chops Goldberg.
The crowd is behind The Undertaker all the way.
The Undertaker chops Goldberg.
Goldberg kicks The Undertaker.
Goldberg has the crowd going wild.
Goldberg hits The Undertaker.
Goldberg goes for a clothesline, but The Undertaker ducks out of the way.
The Undertaker goes for a headbutt, but Goldberg blocks it.
Goldberg whips The Undertaker into the ropes.
Goldberg hits The Undertaker with a spinebuster slam.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, kickout.
Goldberg uses a backdrop on The Undertaker.
Goldberg hits The Undertaker with a Gorilla Press.
The chants for Goldberg are deafening.
Goldberg goes for a backdrop, but The Undertaker blocks it.
The Undertaker goes for a roundhouse right, but Goldberg reverses it.
Goldberg executes a Gorilla Press on The Undertaker.
Goldberg nails The Undertaker with a clothesline.
Goldberg throws The Undertaker into the turnbuckle.
Goldberg runs shoulder-first into the corner.
Goldberg hits The Undertaker with a Gorilla Press.
Goldberg is going for the pin.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, kickout.
Goldberg throws The Undertaker into the turnbuckle, but The Undertaker
reverses it.
The Undertaker charges in with a lariat, but Goldberg lifts his leg.
Goldberg goes for a spear, but The Undertaker counters it with a DDT.
The Undertaker hits Goldberg with a legdrop.
The Undertaker goes for a kick to the head, but Goldberg ducks out of the way.
Goldberg goes for a bodyslam, but The Undertaker counters it with a facerake.
The Undertaker uses an elbowsmash on Goldberg.
The Undertaker nails Goldberg with a short clothesline.
The crowd is giving The Undertaker a standing ovation.
The Undertaker hits Goldberg with a punch.
The Undertaker gives him a Tombstone, but Goldberg only stares at him.
The crowd is going crazy.
The Undertaker gives him a choke slam, but Goldberg doesn't even care.
The Undertaker throws Goldberg out of the ring.
The Undertaker rolls out under the bottom rope.
The Undertaker uses a choke slam on Goldberg.
The Undertaker shoves Goldberg into the guardrail.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
The Undertaker goes for the Choke Slam, but Goldberg counters it with
a kick to the midsection.
Goldberg takes The Undertaker down with a bodyslam.
Goldberg knocks The Undertaker into the ringsteps.
Goldberg has the crowd going wild.
Goldberg uses a spinebuster slam on The Undertaker.
Goldberg goes for a forearm smash, but The Undertaker blocks it.
The Undertaker is handed a baseball bat.
The Undertaker hits him with the baseball bat.
The Undertaker runs Goldberg into the ringsteps.
The Undertaker clears the announcers' table.
The Undertaker sets up Goldberg on the announcers' table.
The Undertaker tries to drive Goldberg through the table with an elbowdrop, but
he moves out of the way.
The table is broken in half.
Goldberg chokes him with .
Goldberg hits The Undertaker with a backdrop.
Goldberg hits him with .
The Undertaker is busted wide open.
Goldberg hits The Undertaker with a backdrop.
Goldberg executes a clothesline on The Undertaker.
Goldberg throws The Undertaker back into the ring.
Goldberg is going for the pin.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Goldberg nails The Undertaker with a bodyslam.
Goldberg takes The Undertaker down with a backdrop.
Goldberg locks The Undertaker in an armlock leglock submission.
The Undertaker is valiantly trying to break the hold.
The Undertaker is inching his way towards the ropes.
The Undertaker reaches the ropes after being trapped for 12 seconds.
Goldberg takes The Undertaker down with a spinebuster slam.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Goldberg runs into the ropes.
The Undertaker misses with a shoulderblock.
Goldberg hits The Undertaker with a clothesline.
Goldberg takes The Undertaker down with a clothesline.
Goldberg hits The Undertaker with a backdrop.
Goldberg executes a forearm smash on The Undertaker.
The Undertaker is bleeding like hell.
Goldberg hits The Undertaker with a spinebuster slam.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, kickout.
Goldberg runs into the ropes.
The Undertaker hits Goldberg with a shoulderblock.
The Undertaker is going for the cover.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, kickout.
The Undertaker goes for a vertical suplex, but Goldberg blocks it.
Goldberg takes The Undertaker down with a savate kick.
Goldberg hits a vertical suplex on The Undertaker.
Goldberg takes The Undertaker down with a bodyslam.
Goldberg runs into the ropes.
The Undertaker gives him a kick to the head, but Goldberg doesn't even care.
The Undertaker throws Goldberg out of the ring.
The Undertaker goes through the ropes.
The Undertaker goes for the Last Ride, but Goldberg counters it with a backdrop.
The crowd is going crazy.
Goldberg shoves The Undertaker into the guardrail.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
The Undertaker executes a chop on Goldberg.
The Undertaker throws Goldberg into the ringsteps.
The crowd erupts.
The Undertaker goes for a bodyslam, but Goldberg blocks it.
Goldberg whips The Undertaker into the guardrail.
Goldberg executes a vertical suplex on The Undertaker.
Goldberg uses a spinebuster slam on The Undertaker.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Goldberg executes a punch on The Undertaker.
Goldberg throws The Undertaker into the ringsteps.
Goldberg shoves The Undertaker into the guardrail.
Goldberg goes for a punch, but The Undertaker reverses it.
The Undertaker is handed a broken bottle.
The Undertaker hits him with the broken bottle.
The crowd erupts.
The Undertaker throws Goldberg back into the ring.
The Undertaker brings the the broken bottle into the ring.
Goldberg executes the Jackhammer on The Undertaker.
The crowd is going crazy.
Goldberg goes for the pin.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is behind Goldberg all the way.

The winner is Goldberg. Time of match: 0:12:41

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Rich, 12-11-2005