They lock up.
Triple H nails Steve Austin with a back suplex.
Triple H goes for a hiptoss, but Steve Austin blocks it.
Steve Austin hits an elbowsmash on Triple H.
Steve Austin punches Triple H.
The chants for Steve Austin are deafening.
Steve Austin hits Triple H.
Triple H hits Steve Austin.
Steve Austin kicks Triple H.
Steve Austin hits Triple H.
The crowd erupts.
Steve Austin goes for a hiptoss, but Triple H counters it with a facerake.
Triple H hits a powerslam on Steve Austin.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Triple H whips Steve Austin into the ropes, but Steve Austin reverses it.
Steve Austin nails Triple H with a hiptoss.
Steve Austin nails Triple H with a vertical suplex.
Steve Austin whips Triple H into the ropes.
Triple H hits Steve Austin with a shoulderblock.
Triple H hits a punch on Steve Austin.
Triple H takes Steve Austin down with an atomic drop.
Triple H hits a chop on Steve Austin.
Triple H goes for a side suplex, but Steve Austin blocks it.
Steve Austin takes Triple H down with a bodyslam.
Steve Austin runs into the ropes.
Triple H misses with an elbow.
Steve Austin hits Triple H with a kick.
Steve Austin whips Triple H into the ropes, but Triple H reverses it.
Steve Austin hits Triple H with a kick.
Steve Austin goes for a snap mare, but Triple H blocks it.
Triple H hits a dropkick on Steve Austin.
Triple H hits a kick to the midsection on Steve Austin.
Triple H executes the Pedigree on Steve Austin.
Numerous fans are using Triple H for target practice.
Triple H goes for the pin.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, KICKOUT.
Steve Austin catches Triple H in an abdominal stretch.
Danny Davis checks Triple H's arm.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it falls.
Danny Davis stops the match after 18 seconds.
The crowd is giving Steve Austin a standing ovation.

The winner is Steve Austin. Time of match: 0:03:12

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Rich, 12-11-2005