(With Rock and Helmsley staring each other down in the ring, Stone Cold Steve
Austin makes his way out onto the entrance.)

Stone Cold:
If you boys wanna turn your beady little eyes my way, I got something to say
to the both of ya.  Summerslam, triple threat elimination match, you better
believe that it's on!  But I can assure right now, this ain't about attitude,
it's about me kicking both your asses, like I would have done the night you
had me run over, Hunter.  

But you know what, we ain't gotta wait until Summerslam, we're all here right
now, so I say, let's get this thing done.

(Austin drops the mic and rushes to the ring.  Helmsley turns towards Rock and
Pedigrees him again, only for Austin to come in and give Triple H the Stunner.
Austin's music hits, and he celebrates with a few beers.)

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Rich, 12-11-2005