Card Information:
on January 2004 at 8:00pm
The evening begins with a challenge...
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The main event for the evening will now be a WWE Title match, with Randy Savage
defending his newly won gold against Hulk Hogan.
9-Man Battle Royal for the vacant WWE Cruiserweight Championship:
Brian Kendrick won a 9-man Battle Royal:
x Chavo Jr. defeated Maven after the Swinging DDT in 0:16:30
x Moore defeated Hurricane after a flying legdrop in 0:40:26
x U. Dragon defeated Moore after a power bomb in 0:41:13
x Noble defeated U. Dragon after a tiger driver in 0:46:31
x Tajiri defeated D. Malenko after the Stiff kick to the head in
x B. Kendrick defeated Chavo Jr. after the Sliced Bread #2 in 0:57:33
x B. Kendrick defeated Tajiri after the Sliced Bread #2 in 1:02:32
x B. Kendrick defeated Noble after a spinning heel kick in 1:15:11
Rating: *****
(Brian Kendrick won the WWE Cruiserweight Championship.)
Click here to see highlights.
A five star match on only the second card for the company. I love those
cruiserweights! Had it not been for constant distractions from Nidia, Jamie
Noble may have been eliminated a lot earlier than he was.
Tazz pinned John Cena after a short clothesline in 0:06:41.
Rating: **
A passable affair, which saw new signing Cena come out on the losing end. If
he wants to make an impact on this company, he's going to need better matches
and better results.
The Chosen One speaks...
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Will Stone Cold answer Jarrett's challenge for the next edition of Raw, or will
he be left hanging on?
The Kliq (Kevin Nash and Shawn Michaels) defeated
The Kliq (Triple H and Scott Hall) when Michaels pinned Hall with the
Sweet Chin Music in 0:18:19.
Rating: * 1/2
A disappointing tag match, certainly not as good as the four corners match on
Raw. Time will tell if Michaels pinning Hall will have any effect on Hall's
Royal Rumble title shot.
Jeff Jarrett pinned Mankind after a gutwrench suplex in 0:12:52.
Rating: *** 1/2
Despite constant interference by Steve Austin, Jarrett still managed to come
away with the victory.
Click here to see highlights.
Having accepted Jeff Jarrett's challenge, Stone Cold will now face Jarrett on
the next Raw.
Bret Hart made Kurt Angle submit to the Sharpshooter in 0:11:56.
Rating: *** 3/4
A technically sound match, between two classic wrestlers. Bret comes away
with the victory, somewhat surprisingly by making Angle submit.
Hulk Hogan defeated Randy Savage via pinfall in 0:25:49.
Rating: ** 1/2
(Hulk Hogan won the WWE Championship.)
Click here to see highlights.
It was never going to be a 5-Star Classic, and it wasn't, but Hulk Hogan has
managed to dethrone Randy Savage and become the WWE Champion. He'll now face
Scott Hall at the Royal Rumble, unless something else happens in the meantime.
Card rating: ***
Match observations:
A good night of action, with two titles changing hands. Let's hope that the
cruiserweight can bring out some more five star matches in the future!
Next Show: Raw
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Rich, 12-11-2005