Card Information:
on July 2004 at 8:00pm
Confrontation between two former friends...
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Brock Lesnar and Sting go face to face.
Dean Malenko and Ultimo Dragon defeated Brian Kendrick and Hurricane Helms when
U. Dragon defeated Hurricane by countout in 0:03:01.
Rating: ** 1/2
Very short opener, which saw Helms get surprisingly counted out.
Rene Dupree pinned Bret Hart after a flying forearm in 0:08:19.
Rating: ** 3/4
A shocking victory for one half of La Resistance over the Hitman.
An added twist to the next match...
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William Regal names Kevin Nash as the guest ref for Shawn Michaels versus Scott
Match with Special Referee Kevin Nash:
Shawn Michaels pinned Scott Hall with the Sweet Chin Music in 0:07:33.
Rating: *** 1/2
Nash reluctantly counted the fall, only to nail Michaels with a big boot right
afterwards. Hall and Nash then proceeded to double team HBK, until some WWE
officials came down to break things up.
a.P.a. defeated Kaientai when Faarooq pinned Michinoku
after outside interference in 0:07:05.
Rating: ***
(a.P.a. won the WWE Tag Team Championship.)
[The Big Show and Ted DiBiase interfered against Faarooq.]
[The Big Show and Ted DiBiase interfered against Taka Michinoku.]
A controversial finish, as new tag champs were crowned.
Taka had Faarooq beaten with the Michinoku Driver, only for Ted DiBiase to
enter the ring and nail Taka with a Choke Slam. He then placed Faarooq on
top of Taka, for Charles Robinson to count the pin.
The Angle Challenge...
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Kurt Angle challenges Chris Benoit to a 2/3 Falls match, earning an IC title
shot if he can win.
No-Countout-No-DQ-Two-out-of-three-Falls Match:
Chris Benoit beat Kurt Angle 2 falls to 0:
x Benoit beat Angle via an inside cradle in 0:11:02
x Benoit beat Angle via a dragon suplex in 0:11:22
Rating: *** 1/2
[Paul Heyman interfered against Kurt Angle.]
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Benoit beat Angle in straight falls. Looks like Angle won't be getting an IC
title shot any time soon.
Words from the Champion...
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Jeff Jarrett comments on his upcoming matches with the Undertaker.
The Undertaker and Sting defeated Jeff Jarrett, William Regal and Brock Lesnar
when Sting pinned Lesnar with the Scorpion Death Drop in 0:15:54.
Rating: *** 3/4
Click here to see highlights.
After Sting pinned Lesnar, Jarrett and Regal rushed the ring with steel chairs,
knocking down both the Stinger and the Undertaker. On Regal's orders, Lesnar
then gave Stinger the F-5.
Card rating: *** 1/2
Match observations:
So despite gaining a manner of revenge over Brock Lesnar, Sting tasted the F-5
for the second time in a week. As these two former friends build up their
level of hatred for one another, you have to wonder if they will explode even
before Vengeance comes about.
Based upon the happenings tonight, it seems as though Kevin Nash and Scott Hall
have reformed The Outsiders, as they worked together to beat the living hell
out of Shawn Michaels here tonight. What do these two guys have planned next
for HBK?
Speaking of tag teams, the tag team titles changed hands tonight again, as the
aPa took the gold from Kaientai, just a few days after they won it. The former
champs Ted DiBiase and the Big Show were extremely influential in the belts
changing hands, despite blatant interference against both teams. What was the
reasoning behind them helping the aPa win, rather than just causing a Double
DQ? Are the aPa now on DiBiase's payroll?
Kurt Angle was disappointed with his performance here tonight, but Chris Benoit
continues to go from strength to strength. I foresee a rather long reign as
Intercontinental Champ for that man, with a possible WWE title run in the near
Rene Dupree got a shock victory over Bret Hart tonight, in front of the packed
Montreal Crowd. As a result of this, a tag team match has been signed for the
next Raw, with La Resistance taking on the Hitman and a partner of his choice.
Who will that partner be?
Next Show: Raw
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Rich, 12-11-2005