Card Information:
on September 2005 at 9:00pm
Evolution take the stage...
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Evolution speak about Unforgiven, until Terry Funk comes out to make matches
for tonight's show.
Rey Mysterio pinned Tajiri with the West Coast Pop in 0:12:03.
Rating: ****
(Paul London no-showed.)
A fantastic opener, as Rey Mysterio got the pin on Tajiri, with a spot of help
from Steve Austin throughout the match.
Cactus Jack pinned Scott Hall with the Double Arm DDT in 0:07:26.
Rating: **** 1/4
Another great match, as Cactus got the pin on Hall. Afterwards, Cactus put
Scott in the Mandible Claw until he passed out, and officials arrived to stop
the assault. This was clearly a message aimed at Shawn Michaels.
Shamrock makes a challenge...
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Ken Shamrock challenges Kurt Angle to a submission match at Unforgiven.
AJ Styles pinned Shelton Benjamin after hitting him with a garbage can in
Rating: ***
[Bubba Ray Dudley interfered against Shelton Benjamin.]
In a shocking turn of events, the Dudley Boys assisted AJ Styles in getting the
win. After the match, Raven ran down to ringside, and all four superstars went
to work on attacking Shelton Benjamin. Charlie Haas tried to run in for the
save, but he too was on the receiving end of a beatdown.
Randy Orton pinned Jerry Lawler after a flying cross body press in 0:01:44.
Rating: ** 1/4
Orton didn't have to use the RKO for the win, as he surprised Lawler with a
flying crossbody, a move that The Rock used to use to finish off opponents
during his rookie years.
JBL's request...
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JBL makes an open challenge, to which Booker T replies.
Booker T pinned John Bradshaw Layfield after a flying forearm in 0:05:47.
Rating: *** 3/4
JBL's challenge only led to him being defeated by the Booker Man.
Evolution (Batista, Ric Flair and Triple H) defeated
Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho and The Rock when HHH defeated Benoit when Benoit
passed out in a Boston crab in 0:20:33.
Rating: *** 3/4
Click here to see highlights.
Benoit was defeated by Evolution yet again, this time with Triple H actually
beating the Wolverine with a submission hold. Is Benoit's third title reign
really going to end after just one month?
Card rating: *** 1/2
Match observations:
Yet again, it was Evolution's night, as they prove themselves to be virtually
unstoppable in the build-up to Unforgiven. For the second show in a row, it
was the Game who got the victory over Chris Benoit, this time around making him
pass out to a devestating Boston Crab. If the same thing happens this Sunday
at Unforgiven, then Triple H will be the new WWE Champion. Come Thursday, we
may well get a very interesting preview of the main event, as Terry Funk has
officially announced that Triple H and Chris Benoit will go one on one in a non
title match on Smackdown. This could prove to be a very explosive main event.
There was a shocking turn of events here tonight, as AJ Styles and Raven sided
with the Dudley Boys to partake in a vicious assault on the tag team champions,
Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin. We knew that Haas and Benjamin have had
their troubles with the Dudleys in the past, but we never would have expected
the actions of Styles and Raven that we saw here tonight. Raven will face Haas
on Smackdown this Thursday, with one half of the tag champs looking for a spot
of retribution, going into Unforgiven.
Also on Smackdown, there will be a big tag team match, with Shawn Michaels and
Scott Hall, going up against Cactus Jack and a partner of his choice. We can
also expect The Undertaker, Kane, Brock Lesnar and the Big Show in the house,
as we build up towards Unforgiven, this Sunday night.
Next Show: Smackdown
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Rich, 12-11-2005