Card Information:
on June 2005 at 9:00pm
Shane McMahon...
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Shane O Mac talks about his betrayal of Hollywood Hogan last night, as the
Hulkster looks for revenge.
Steven Richards pinned Scott Hall after an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle
in 0:06:07.
Rating: ****
Scott Hall returned from his two-month suspension, but his ring rust clearly
shone through, as he was defeated by Stevie Richards.
The Dudley Boys (Bubba Ray Dudley and D-Von Dudley) defeated Spike Dudley when
Bubba pinned Spike after the Dudley Death Drop in 0:08:16.
Rating: *** 1/2
This was Shane McMahon punishing Spike Dudley for getting involved in Bubba
and D-Von's match last night. After the match, it looked like Spike was going
to get put through a table, but the tag team champions Shawn Michaels and
Cactus Jack came out to make the save, fueling the fire between the teams that
will erupt at Bad Blood.
Daniels' challenge...
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Christopher Daniels challenges Booker T to a falls count anywhere match for
Bad Blood, with the IC title on the line.
Vader pinned Marty Jannetty after a powerslam in 0:07:21.
Rating: *** 1/4
Another returning superstar, Marty Jannetty, fell victim to the wrath of Vader.
Even Earl Hebner wasn't safe from the man who came within inches of being the
WWE Champion last night.
Terry Funk made Triple H submit to the Spinning Toe Hold in 0:13:30.
Rating: ****
Funk became the third man within a matter of weeks to make Triple H tap out.
This match was a real blood bath.
Randy Orton - Legend Killer and Future Champion?
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Randy Orton announces that he is the number 1 contender to the WWE title, and
that he will face Stone Cold in a 2/3 Falls match at Bad Blood.
Masahiro Chono pinned Jamie Noble after a power bomb in 0:02:22.
Rating: ** 1/4
Another very quick win for Masahiro Chono. After the match, Brock Lesnar made
his return from suspension, emerging on the ramp, seemingly impressed with what
he saw from Chono.
Ted DiBiase defeated Steve Austin when Steve Austin passed out in the
Million Dollar Dream in 0:18:49.
Rating: **** 1/4
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A shocking ending saw Austin defeated by DiBiase, after passing out in the
Million Dollar Dream. The gruelling effects of the hold, coupled with the
damage done by Vader last night clearly took their toll on the champ. After
the match, Shane McMahon and Randy Orton came down to raise DiBiase's hand.
Card rating: *** 1/2
Match observations:
It seems as though Shane McMahon has firmly allied himself with Ted Dibiase,
and the Million Dollar Man is now eligible for title shots once again. However
if he wants a shot at Stone Cold, he'll have to wait in line, as Randy Orton
will be getting the shot at Bad Blood in just a few days time. If Austin is
able to survive this challenge though, then DiBiase may well be the next man
to get a shot at the Great American Bash.
A lot more matches are coming together for Bad Blood, with the title match
that was announced tonight, and the Hogan vs DiBiase cage match. You can also
add Booker T vs Christopher Daniels to that list, as Booker has accepted the
falls count anywhere challenge of the Fallen Angel. Based on the results of
the six man tag match at Judgment Day, we will also see Ric Flair and Chris
Benoit go one on one at the PPV, in what could be a show-stealing match.
We saw the return of a lot of former nWo members tonight, but those that were
in action were all defeated. Could this be a sign of things to come for these
guys, or was it merely a case of ring rust? We'll find out in the weeks to
come. It'll be especially interesting to see what develops between Brock
Lesnar and newcomer Masahiro Chono in the weeks to come.
Next Show: Smackdown
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Rich, 12-11-2005