Card Information:
on July 2004 at 9:00pm
Taker wants his shot back...
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The Undertaker must defeat William Regal to regain his Vengeance title shot.
Jeff Jarrett and Brock Lesnar are barred from ringside.
Triangle Match:
Bradshaw defeated Ted DiBiase and Funaki:
x DiBiase beat Funaki via an armbar submission in 0:03:46
x Bradshaw beat DiBiase via the Clothesline From Hell in 0:09:39
Rating: ****
Bradshaw in a four star match? Crazy! If he can repeat this at Vengeance, the
a.P.a. will remain tag champs. Expect a similar match with all three partners
on Smackdown.
Maven defeated Chavo Guerrero by countout in 0:07:35.
Rating: ***
Much better match than last Smackdown, with Maven this time getting a count
out victory. Chavo was tended to by EMTs afterwards.
Jericholic or Egomaniac?
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Jericho speaks on Hulk Hogan, and the upcoming tag match.
Hulk Hogan and Cactus Jack defeated Chris Jericho and Randy Savage when
The Hulkster pinned Y2J with the Big Leg Drop in 0:17:09.
Rating: ** 3/4
Hogan pinned Jericho, but during the post match posedown, was nailed with a
chair by Y2J. Savage followed suit, by attacking Cactus Jack.
Scott Hall defeated Shawn Michaels by countout in 0:02:01.
Rating: * 3/4
Another out of the ring incident leads to a count-out. Michaels had better
hope his partner will be there to help him at Vengeance.
Chris Benoit pinned Goldust after a dragon suplex in 0:13:26.
Rating: ** 1/2
The Stamford fans were surprisingly pro-Benoit and anti-Goldust. The IC Champ
came out on top in this non-title battle.
William Regal defeated The Undertaker by disqualification in 0:01:21.
Rating: **
[Sting interfered against William Regal.]
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There was no ban on Sting being at ringside, however, his involvement cost
the Undertaker the match, and the title shot.
Regal changes his mind...
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Regal decides to let the Taker have his shot, but there's a condition.
Card rating: ** 1/2
Match observations:
So, Jeff Jarrett versus The Undertaker is back on for Vengeance, even though
the Undertaker lost to William Regal by DQ here tonight. That being said, the
Taker was still disappointed with Sting for costing him the match. As a result
of this, Undertaker versus Sting has been booked for Smackdown.
Also on Smackdown, we discover the identity of Shawn Michaels' partner for his
match against the Outsiders. That is if Shawn has regained consciousness by
the time that Smackdown goes on the air. Two matches ended with similar KO
count outs tonight, which does suggest that some wrestlers may want to vary
their styles in future.
Signed for Vengeance now is a match between Randy Savage and Cactus Jack. It
will be interesting to see what kind of contest these two put on, when given
the opportunity. This stemmed from the vicious post-tag match beat down, which
saw Chris Jericho bust open his Vengeance opponent, Hulk Hogan.
Only one more match spot remains open for the PPV, but expected that to be
filled in the very near future.
It was surprising to see Goldust booed so heavily by the crowd here tonight. I
doubt there will be a similar reaction to him on Smackdown though, as he teams
up with Rob Van Dam to face Chris Benoit and a mystery partner. Seems as
though mystery partners are becoming the in-thing around here.
With Vengeance right around the corner, you can expect some great twists and
turns on Smackdown, so be sure to tune in!
Next Show: Smackdown
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Rich, 12-11-2005