They lock up.
Shane McMahon throws Terry Funk over the top rope.
Shane McMahon rolls out under the bottom rope.
Danny Davis counts: 1.
Shane McMahon shoves Terry Funk into the guardrail.
Shane McMahon executes a slap on Terry Funk.
Danny Davis counts: 2.
Shane McMahon reenters the ring.
Terry Funk rolls back in under the bottom rope.
Shane McMahon runs into the ropes.
Terry Funk hits Shane McMahon with a backdrop.
Shane McMahon falls out of the ring.
Terry Funk goes for Asai moonsault, but Shane McMahon moves out of the way.
Terry Funk is out cold.
Numerous fans are using Shane McMahon for target practice.
Shane McMahon nails Terry Funk with a series of punches.
Shane McMahon catches Terry Funk totally by surprise.
Numerous fans are using Shane McMahon for target practice.
Shane McMahon executes the Shane-O-Mac Terminator on Terry Funk
on the concrete floor.
Numerous fans are using Shane McMahon for target practice.
Terry Funk is out cold.
Shane McMahon throws Terry Funk into the guardrail.
Danny Davis counts: 1.
Shane McMahon runs Terry Funk into the ringsteps.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Danny Davis counts: 2.
Shane McMahon throws Terry Funk back into the ring.
Shane McMahon uses an elbowdrop on Terry Funk.
Shane McMahon whips Terry Funk into the turnbuckle.
Shane McMahon charges in with the Bronco Buster.
Shane McMahon gives him a Hotshot, but Terry Funk only stares at him.
Shane McMahon runs into the ropes.
Shane McMahon goes for a clothesline, but Terry Funk counters it with
a belly-to-belly suplex.
The chants for Terry Funk are deafening.
In turn, Shane McMahon counters it with a facerake.
Shane McMahon runs into the ropes.
Terry Funk misses with a kick.
Terry Funk hits Shane McMahon with a roundhouse right.
Terry Funk takes Shane McMahon down with a punch.
Terry Funk locks Shane McMahon in a chokehold.
Danny Davis warns Terry Funk to let go.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, three.
Shane McMahon begs off.
Terry Funk locks Shane McMahon in a chokehold.
Danny Davis warns Terry Funk to let go.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, three, four.
Terry Funk takes Shane McMahon down with a slap.
Terry Funk whips Shane McMahon into the ropes, but Shane McMahon reverses it.
Shane McMahon hits Terry Funk with a backdrop.
Terry Funk falls out of the ring.
Shane McMahon rolls out under the bottom rope.
Shane McMahon executes a series of punches on Terry Funk.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Danny Davis counts: 1.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Danny Davis counts: 2.
Terry Funk knocks Shane McMahon into the ringsteps.
Danny Davis counts: 3.
Terry Funk nails Shane McMahon with a back suplex.
Terry Funk whips Shane McMahon into the guardrail.
Danny Davis counts: 4.
Danny Davis counts: 5.
Terry Funk throws Shane McMahon back into the ring.
Terry Funk takes Shane McMahon down with a back suplex.
The crowd is behind Terry Funk all the way.
Terry Funk whips Shane McMahon into the ropes.
Terry Funk misses with an elbow.
Terry Funk goes for a punch, but Shane McMahon reverses it.
Shane McMahon hits Terry Funk with a clothesline.
Shane McMahon executes a spear on Terry Funk.
Shane McMahon goes for a slap, but Terry Funk blocks it.
Terry Funk takes Shane McMahon down with a short clothesline.
Terry Funk hits a ropeburn on Shane McMahon.
Shane McMahon begs off.
Terry Funk goes for a bulldog, but Shane McMahon blocks it.
Shane McMahon hits Terry Funk with a sitdown faceslam.
The crowd is vociferously booing Shane McMahon.
Shane McMahon whips Terry Funk into the turnbuckle.
Shane McMahon charges in with the Bronco Buster, but Terry Funk
moves out of the way.
Terry Funk executes a punch on Shane McMahon.
Terry Funk hits Shane McMahon with a bulldog.
The chants for Terry Funk are deafening.
Terry Funk goes for a kick to the midsection, but Shane McMahon blocks it.
Shane McMahon goes for a hiptoss, but Terry Funk counters it with
a cradle suplex.
The crowd erupts.
Terry Funk gets a chokehold on Shane McMahon.
Danny Davis warns Terry Funk to let go.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, three, four, five.
Danny Davis warns Terry Funk.
Terry Funk goes for a chokehold, but Shane McMahon counters it with
a kick to the midsection.
Shane McMahon takes Terry Funk down with a back elbow.
Shane McMahon executes the Shane-O-Mac Terminator on Terry Funk.
Shane McMahon is being booed out of the building.
Shane McMahon goes for the pin.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is vociferously booing Shane McMahon.
The winner is Shane McMahon. Time of match: 0:07:54
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Rich, 12-11-2005