(As Raw comes on the air, the scene fades into the backstage area, where Cactus
Jack is pacing around. Through the door comes Terry Funk. )
Cactus Jack:
Well, well, well, if it isn't Terry Funk, the one man I wanted to see. How's
it going Terry, are you doing well?
Terry Funk:
Hey Mick, I'm doing alright. Are you ready for the show?
Cactus Jack:
Mick's not here right now Terry, this is Cactus, and Cactus is looking for you.
You see, you put me in a tag team match tonight, with the partner of my choice,
and you see, there's only guy sick enough to team with Cactus Jack, and that's
you Terry Funk. So whaddya say, you and I beat the living hell out of Shawn
Michaels and Scott Hall here tonight?
Terry Funk:
Well..Cactus, you know I'd love to be your partner, I'd team with you any day
of the week, if I could. But like I said on Raw last week, the damn board of
directors won't let me book myself in matches without special clearence. If
you'd asked me a few days ago, I would have said yes, but my hands are tied on
this one.
Cactus Jack:
No it's okay, I understand Terry. I guess what Shane McMahon says is right,
you are a cowardly son of a bitch.
Terry Funk:
Now Mick, I know you don't mean that, I know that you're just trying to get me
riled up, so I'll fight tonight, but I can't do it. I really wish I could, but
I don't have a choice.
Cactus Jack:
You don't have a choice, huh? Well, in that case, I guess you leave me no
choice either...
(Cactus suddenly locks in the Mandible Claw on Funk, taking him down to the
concrete. He keeps the hold on, until Funk is clearly out cold on the floor. )
Cactus Jack:
I'm sorry Terry, I'm sorry Terry, I'm sorry. Was that what you wanted?
(The camera pans around to see Shane McMahon standing in the doorway. )
Shane McMahon:
That's absolutely perfect, Cactus. Looks like I've got my show back tonight.
(The scene fades into the opening credits of Smackdown. )
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Rich, 12-11-2005