They lock up.
The Big Show punches Vader.
The crowd is behind The Big Show all the way.
The Big Show punches Vader.
The chants for The Big Show are deafening.
The Big Show chops Vader.
The crowd is behind The Big Show all the way.
The Big Show goes for a chokehold, but Vader blocks it.
Vader hits The Big Show.
The crowd is vociferously booing Vader.
Vader kicks The Big Show.
The Big Show kicks Vader.
The chants for The Big Show are deafening.
The Big Show nails Vader with a ropeburn.
The Big Show runs into the ropes.
The Big Show hits Vader with a kick.
The Big Show nails Vader with a facerake.
The Big Show executes a roundhouse right on Vader.
The Big Show raises his hand into the air.
The chants for The Big Show are deafening.
The Big Show throws Vader out of the ring.
The Big Show goes through the ropes.
Earl Hebner counts: 1.
The Big Show runs Vader into the ringsteps.
The Big Show throws Vader into the guardrail.
Earl Hebner counts: 2.
The Big Show runs Vader into the ringpost.
Earl Hebner counts: 3.
The Big Show sets up a table.
The Big Show goes for a facerake, but Vader blocks it.
Earl Hebner counts: 4.
Vader goes for a swinging punch, but The Big Show counters it with a punch.
The Big Show sets up Vader on the table.
The Big Show tries to drive Vader through the table with a legdrop, but he
moves out of the way.
The table is broken in half.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Vader executes a swinging punch on The Big Show.
Vader throws The Big Show into the guardrail.
Vader takes The Big Show down with a swinging punch.
Vader goes for the Vader Bomb, but The Big Show blocks it.
Vader goes for a slap, but The Big Show blocks it.
Earl Hebner counts: 5.
Earl Hebner counts: 6.
The Big Show hits Vader with a roundhouse right.
The Big Show throws Vader back into the ring.
The Big Show runs into the ropes.
Vader hits The Big Show with a clothesline.
Vader covers The Big Show.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, kickout.
Vader catches The Big Show in a sleeperhold.
The Big Show grabs the ropes after 5 seconds.
Vader executes a headbutt on The Big Show.
Vader sends The Big Show into the turnbuckle, but The Big Show reverses it.
The Big Show charges into the corner.
The Big Show runs into the ropes.
The Big Show misses with a shoulderblock.
Vader hits The Big Show with a shoulderblock.
Vader goes for a swinging punch, but The Big Show counters it with
a roundhouse right.
The Big Show goes for a chokehold, but Vader counters it with a facerake.
Vader uses a kneelift on The Big Show.
Vader gets an armbar submission on The Big Show.
The Big Show is struggling to reach the ropes.
The Big Show manages to grab the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.
Vader locks The Big Show in an armbar submission.
The Big Show tries to escape the hold.
The Big Show breaks the hold after 10 seconds.
The Big Show hits Vader with a ropeburn.
The Big Show whips Vader into the ropes, but Vader reverses it.
The Big Show hits Vader with a clothesline.
The Big Show goes for a chokehold, but Vader counters it with
a kick to the midsection.
Vader uses a swinging punch on The Big Show.
Vader goes for an armbar submission, but The Big Show blocks it.
The Big Show whips Vader into the ropes, but Vader reverses it.
The Big Show executes the Showstopper on Vader.
The chants for The Big Show are deafening.
The Big Show goes for the pin.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, KICKOUT.
Vader throws The Big Show out of the ring.
Earl Hebner counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, The Big Show
reenters the ring.
Vader locks The Big Show in a sleeperhold.
The Big Show reaches the ropes after 9 seconds.
Vader nails The Big Show with a slap.
Vader runs into the ropes.
The Big Show hits Vader with a kick.
The Big Show hits Vader with a stomp.
The Big Show goes for a chokehold, but Vader counters it with
a kick to the midsection.
Vader nails The Big Show with a forearm smash.
Vader hits The Big Show with a kneelift.
Vader runs into the ropes.
The Big Show misses with a shoulderblock.
The Big Show locks Vader in a chokehold.
Earl Hebner warns The Big Show to let go.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, three.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, three, four.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, three, four.
Earl Hebner calls for the DQ.
Vader is being booed out of the building.
The winner is Vader. Time of match: 0:07:04
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Rich, 12-11-2005