(As Smackdown comes on the air, Roddy Piper makes his way down to the ring to
a tremendous ovation from the fans.)
Roddy Piper:
Thank you, thank you...ha...you're too kind. I am here tonight, just a few
days prior to Summerslam to make sure you people get the best damn show you
can possibly hope for. And in order to do that, I had to make sure that Shane
McMahon was not here, so he isn't!
And so, in his absence, I want to give you people of Florida the best damn
main event that you could have before Summerslam. So, in the spirit of the
Elimination Chamber, we're gonna have ourselves a 10-man Elimination Tag Team
match here tonight!
So, it's gonna be, on side of the ring, Evolution, that's Flair, Helmsley
and the WWE Champion, Randy Orton. It's gonna be Dude Mankind Cactus Jack
Love, whatever he's calling himself this week, and it's gonna be the current
Intercontinental Champion, Christopher Daniels, a guy who really thinks he's
something when all I've seen him do is land on his head a few times and call
it a tactic, hey don't ask me, I'm just a wrestler.
Anyway, that's side of the ring, so who do you get to compete with that? Well,
you get Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho and The Rock! Ha...and if you thought that
was a damn good enough team on its own, you can then add into the equation
Shawn Michaels! And let's round things off kinda nicely here, if I do say so
myself, by adding a little guy by the name of Roddy Piper to the team!
Oh yeah, that's right, tonight, it's Evolution, Cactus Jack and Chris Daniels
against Benoit, Jericho, Rock, Michaels and me, in a damn fight to the finish!
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Rich, 12-11-2005