(As Raw comes on the air, Randy Orton makes his way down to the ring and grabs
a microphone.)
Randy Orton:
Last night, each and every WWE fan experienced a revalation. Every doubt that
they had in their mind about Randy Orton as WWE Champion disappeared. I took
absolutely everything that the Big Show had to offer, and I still emerged as
the victor. This belt over my shoulder is not here on a time share, it's not
here as a temporary deal. It's here because I am the greatest wrestler in the
world today, and that's why it will stay there for a very long time to come.
The only problem I have is that, despite the fact that I have clearly proved
myself to you all, you continue to show me a distinct lack of respect. Well,
that won't stay the case for longer, because I am going to ma..
(The music of Chris Benoit hits in the arena, as the Rabid Wolverine emerges
on the ramp.)
Chris Benoit:
Randy Orton, did it ever occur to you that the reason these people do not have
any respect for you is because of the lack of respect that you have shown for
them during your career? Perhaps if you took into account the fact that it's
these people who keep you in a job week after week, month after month, then
you would learn to respect them, and they would then respect you.
But Orton, I'm not out here to talk about respect. I'm out here to talk about
the WWE Championship. You know, recently I've heard you talk about lightning
not striking twice when it comes to you winning matches that you've lost in the
past. Well I want to talk about a certain piece of lightning that you seem to
have forgotten about, and that's Wrestlemania.
It was a little over three months ago at Wrestlemania, Orton, when I beat you
for the WWE Championship in just over 5 minutes. Since then, and since I lost
the title to Steve Austin, I've never had the chance to fight for the belt, or
fight you again. Orton, I wanna change all that at Vengeance. I'm out here to
challenge you for the WWE Title at Vengeance, and I intend to prove that while
lightning may not strike twice, Chris Benoit does. And I will once again be
the WWE Champion.
Randy Orton:
Benoit, I've heard this talk before. I heard from Big Show, I heard it from
Stone Cold Steve Austin, Sting and all the rest. You wanna take a shot at the
gold? Fine, you've got your match at Vengeance. But it's not gonna be like it
was at Wrestlemania. It's gonna go down my way, and I will retain my title.
But I can tell by the look on your face Benoit, that you don't believe me. In
that case, I guess I'll have to prove you wrong!
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Rich, 12-11-2005