Josh Matthews:
Randy Orton. It's your first title defence. Can you defeat the Big Show?
Randy Orton:
Can I defeat the Big Show? Josh, you silly little man, of course I can. Have
you not been watching me for the last year or so? I've beaten Austin, Sting,
Bill Goldberg, Triple H, and countless others that Big Show can't even compare
to. Behind the 7ft, 500lb exterior Josh, there's nothing more than a below
mediocre wrestler. This belt right here says that I am the greatest wrestler
in the world today. Can I beat the Big Show? You're damn right I can, and not
only am I going to beat him, but I am going to embarass him as well. Randy
Orton's reign as champion is not a fluke, it's not a one-off, it's the start
of my path to becoming a legend, and tonight, the Big Show becomes the first
victim of my legendary reign.
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Rich, 12-11-2005