They lock up.
Val Venis hits a punch on Shawn Michaels.
Val Venis runs into the ropes.
Val Venis goes for a clothesline, but Shawn Michaels ducks out of the way.
Cactus Jack enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Shawn Michaels and Cactus Jack whip Val Venis into the ropes.
They hit Val Venis with a double clothesline.
Edge enters the ring and lays out Cactus Jack.
Edge leaves the ring.
Val Venis takes Shawn Michaels down with a reverse neckbreaker.
The crowd is behind Val Venis all the way.
Val Venis throws Shawn Michaels into the turnbuckle.
Shawn Michaels comes back, but is met with an elbow.
Val Venis hits Shawn Michaels with a bodyslam.
Val Venis gives the sign for the Money Shot.
Val Venis goes for the Money Shot, but Shawn Michaels counters it with
a knee pull-up.
Shawn Michaels executes an inverted atomic drop on Val Venis.
Shawn Michaels tags out to Cactus Jack.
Edge enters the ring and throws Shawn Michaels out of the ring.
Val Venis and Edge whip Cactus Jack into the ropes.
They hit Cactus Jack with a double backdrop.
Edge leaves the ring.
Val Venis hits Cactus Jack with a bodyslam.
Val Venis goes for the Money Shot, but Cactus Jack counters it with
a knee pull-up.
Cactus Jack runs into the ropes.
Val Venis hits Cactus Jack with an elbow.
Val Venis goes for a forearm smash, but Cactus Jack blocks it.
Cactus Jack catches Val Venis in a sleeperhold.
Val Venis makes it to the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.
Cactus Jack punches Val Venis.
Cactus Jack hits Val Venis.
The crowd is behind Cactus Jack all the way.
Cactus Jack whips Val Venis into the ropes.
Cactus Jack locks Val Venis in the Mandible Claw.
Val Venis is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Val Venis inches his way towards the ropes after 10 seconds.
Cactus Jack shouts "BANG BANG!".
The crowd erupts.
Cactus Jack goes for a gutwrench suplex, but Val Venis counters it with
a backdrop.
Val Venis covers Cactus Jack.
Nick Patrick counts: One, shoulder up.
Val Venis tags out to Edge.
Edge and Val Venis hit Cactus Jack with a double DDT.
Val Venis leaves the ring.
Edge hits a DDT on Cactus Jack.
The crowd is behind Edge all the way.
Edge executes a Northern Lights suplex on Cactus Jack.
Nick Patrick counts: One, two, kickout.
Edge uses a flying dropkick on Cactus Jack.
Edge hits a snap suplex on Cactus Jack.
Edge hits a flying dropkick on Cactus Jack.
The crowd erupts.
Edge takes Cactus Jack down with a bodyslam.
Val Venis enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Edge and Val Venis whip Cactus Jack into the ropes.
Edge and Val Venis hit Cactus Jack with a double punch.
Val Venis leaves the ring.
Edge nails Cactus Jack with an armdrag takedown.
Edge nails Cactus Jack with a savate kick.
Edge nails Cactus Jack with a facerake.
The crowd is giving Edge a standing ovation.
Edge runs into the ropes.
Edge goes for a spear, but Cactus Jack counters it with a kneelift.
Cactus Jack hits Edge with a Tombstone.
Nick Patrick counts: One, two, kickout.
Cactus Jack uses a gutwrench suplex on Edge.
Nick Patrick counts: One, two, kickout.
Cactus Jack tags out to Shawn Michaels.
Shawn Michaels uses an armdrag takedown on Edge.
Shawn Michaels goes for an inverted atomic drop, but Edge blocks it.
Edge attempts to place Shawn Michaels on the turnbuckle, but Shawn Michaels
blocks it.
Edge goes for a spinning leg lariat, but Shawn Michaels ducks out of the way.
Shawn Michaels executes a dropkick on Edge.
Shawn Michaels covers Edge.
Nick Patrick counts: One, two, kickout.
Shawn Michaels uses an armdrag takedown on Edge.
Shawn Michaels goes for a forearm smash, but Edge blocks it.
Edge takes Shawn Michaels down with a jumping DDT.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Edge.
Edge goes for the Edgeacution, but Shawn Michaels counters it with a kick-off.
Shawn Michaels runs into the ropes.
Edge hits a dropkick on Shawn Michaels.
Edge throws Shawn Michaels out of the ring.
Shawn Michaels hangs on to the top rope.
Shawn Michaels slides back in under the bottom rope.
Shawn Michaels whips Edge into the ropes.
Shawn Michaels hits a flying clothesline on Edge.
Shawn Michaels is going for the pin.
Nick Patrick counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Shawn Michaels hits Edge with a flying clothesline.
Shawn Michaels nails Edge with a back suplex.
Shawn Michaels whips Edge into the ropes, but Edge reverses it.
Shawn Michaels and Edge get hit with a double clothesline.
Shawn Michaels nails Edge with a kick to the midsection.
Shawn Michaels kicks Edge.
The crowd is giving Shawn Michaels a standing ovation.
Shawn Michaels chops Edge.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Edge kicks Shawn Michaels.
Edge hits Shawn Michaels with a bodyslam.
Edge nails Shawn Michaels with a spear.
Edge covers Shawn Michaels.
Nick Patrick counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Edge executes a power bomb on Shawn Michaels.
Nick Patrick counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Edge goes for a snap suplex, but Shawn Michaels blocks it.
Shawn Michaels throws Edge into the turnbuckle.
Edge comes back, but is met with an elbow.
Shawn Michaels hits Edge.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Shawn Michaels punches Edge.
Edge punches Shawn Michaels.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Shawn Michaels kicks Edge.
Edge chops Shawn Michaels.
The crowd is giving Edge a standing ovation.
Edge hits Shawn Michaels.
The crowd is behind Edge all the way.
Edge tags out to Val Venis.
Val Venis goes for a kick to the midsection, but Shawn Michaels
counters it with a dragon screw.
Shawn Michaels hits Val Venis with a clothesline.
Shawn Michaels whips Val Venis into the ropes.
Shawn Michaels goes for an inverted atomic drop, but Val Venis blocks it.
Edge enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Cactus Jack enters the ring, but gets cut off.
Edge takes Shawn Michaels down with a spinning leg lariat.
Val Venis goes for a German suplex, but Shawn Michaels counters it with
a go-behind.
Edge leaves the ring.
Shawn Michaels executes a backslide on Val Venis.
Nick Patrick counts: One, kickout.
Shawn Michaels complains about a slow count.
Val Venis hits an inside cradle on Shawn Michaels.
Nick Patrick counts: One, kickout.
Val Venis goes for a bodyslam, but Shawn Michaels blocks it.
Shawn Michaels locks Val Venis in an abdominal stretch.
Val Venis inches his way towards the ropes after holding out for 5 seconds.
Shawn Michaels throws Val Venis out of the ring.
Shawn Michaels goes for a flying cross body press, but Val Venis
moves out of the way.
Shawn Michaels is out cold.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Val Venis climbs back into the ring.
Nick Patrick counts: 1
Nick Patrick counts: 2
Nick Patrick counts: 3
Nick Patrick counts: 4
Nick Patrick counts: 5
Nick Patrick counts: 6
Nick Patrick counts: 7
Nick Patrick counts: 8
Nick Patrick counts: 9
Nick Patrick counts: 10
Shawn Michaels is counted out.
The crowd is giving Val Venis a standing ovation.
The winners are Edge and Val Venis. Time of match: 0:09:08
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Rich, 12-11-2005