They lock up.
Booker T takes Christopher Daniels down with a kneelift.
Booker T runs into the ropes.
Christopher Daniels goes for a bodyslam, but Booker T blocks it.
Booker T runs into the ropes.
Christopher Daniels takes Booker T down with a kick to the midsection.
Christopher Daniels takes Booker T down with a bodyslam.
Christopher Daniels throws Booker T out of the ring.
Christopher Daniels rolls out under the bottom rope.
Christopher Daniels uses a bodyslam on Booker T.
Christopher Daniels gets back into the ring.
Booker T rolls back in under the bottom rope.
Christopher Daniels executes a bodyslam on Booker T.
Christopher Daniels nails Booker T with a legdrop.
Christopher Daniels works the crowd.
Christopher Daniels further incites the crowd.
Christopher Daniels executes a slingshot legdrop on Booker T.
Christopher Daniels nails Booker T with a legdrop.
Christopher Daniels puts Booker T in an abdominal stretch.
Booker T gets ahold of the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.
Christopher Daniels punches Booker T.
Christopher Daniels punches Booker T.
Numerous fans are using Christopher Daniels for target practice.
Christopher Daniels takes Booker T down with a double underhook faceslam.
Christopher Daniels hits Booker T with a spinning leg lariat.
Christopher Daniels executes a spinning leg lariat on Booker T.
Christopher Daniels whips Booker T into the ropes, but Booker T reverses it.
Booker T hits a bodyslam on Christopher Daniels.
Booker T whips Christopher Daniels into the ropes.
Booker T goes for a sleeperhold, but Christopher Daniels counters it with
a jawbreaker.
Christopher Daniels sends Booker T into the turnbuckle.
Christopher Daniels charges into the corner, but Booker T lifts his leg.
Booker T goes for a spinebuster slam, but Christopher Daniels counters it with
a kick to the head.
Christopher Daniels covers Booker T.
Tim White counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Christopher Daniels works the crowd.
The crowd is vociferously booing Christopher Daniels.
Christopher Daniels takes Booker T down with a DDT.
Christopher Daniels takes Booker T down with an inverted DDT.
Christopher Daniels whips Booker T into the ropes.
Christopher Daniels misses with a clothesline.
Booker T misses with a clothesline.
Booker T misses with a clothesline.
Christopher Daniels misses with a clothesline.
Booker T hits Christopher Daniels with a kick.
Booker T runs into the ropes.
Christopher Daniels executes an inverted DDT on Booker T.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Christopher Daniels whips Booker T into the ropes, but Booker T reverses it.
Christopher Daniels and Booker T get hit with a double clothesline.
Christopher Daniels uses a back suplex on Booker T.
Christopher Daniels works the crowd.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Christopher Daniels goes for a slingshot elbowdrop, but Booker T
rolls out of the way.
Booker T goes for a flying dropkick, but Christopher Daniels
ducks out of the way.
Christopher Daniels whips Booker T into the ropes.
Booker T goes for a swinging neckbreaker, but Christopher Daniels
counters it with a side suplex.
Christopher Daniels takes Booker T down with a double underhook faceslam.
Christopher Daniels hits a power bomb on Booker T.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
Christopher Daniels works the crowd.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Christopher Daniels executes a flying dropkick on Booker T.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Christopher Daniels nails Booker T with a bodyslam.
Christopher Daniels uses a vertical facebuster on Booker T.
Tim White counts: One, kickout.
Christopher Daniels uses a slingshot legdrop on Booker T.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Christopher Daniels nails Booker T with a spinning leg lariat.
Christopher Daniels takes Booker T down with a power bomb.
Tim White counts: One, shoulder up.
Christopher Daniels takes Booker T down with a kick to the midsection.
Christopher Daniels executes a spin kick on Booker T.
Christopher Daniels uses a forearm to the back on Booker T.
Christopher Daniels places Booker T on the turnbuckle.
Christopher Daniels hits Booker T with a top-rope inverted DDT.
Christopher Daniels goes for a bodyslam, but Booker T blocks it.
Booker T runs into the ropes.
Booker T hits a flying clothesline on Christopher Daniels.
Booker T covers Christopher Daniels.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
Booker T whips Christopher Daniels into the ropes.
Booker T goes for a flying clothesline, but Christopher Daniels
ducks out of the way.
Christopher Daniels attempts to place Booker T on the turnbuckle, but Booker T
blocks it.
Christopher Daniels takes Booker T down with a forearm to the back.
Christopher Daniels goes for a bodyslam, but Booker T counters it with
a small package.
Tim White counts: One, kickout.
Booker T takes Christopher Daniels down with a dropkick.
Booker T whips Christopher Daniels into the ropes.
Christopher Daniels and Booker T get hit with a double clothesline.
Christopher Daniels catches Booker T in an abdominal stretch.
Booker T is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Booker T is inching his way towards the ropes.
Booker T tries to fight the pain.
Booker T submits after 17 seconds.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
The winner is Christopher Daniels. Time of match: 0:07:09
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Rich, 12-11-2005