They lock up.
Chris Benoit goes for a running lariat, but Ric Flair blocks it.
Ric Flair takes Chris Benoit down with a reverse neckbreaker.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Ric Flair executes a bodyslam on Chris Benoit.
Ric Flair runs into the ropes.
Ric Flair misses with a kick.
Chris Benoit hits Ric Flair with an elbow.
Chris Benoit whips Ric Flair into the ropes.
Chris Benoit hits Ric Flair with a clothesline.
Ric Flair falls out of the ring.
Chris Benoit rolls out under the bottom rope.
Terry Funk comes over to make it two-on-one.
Triple H comes over and lays out Terry Funk.
Triple H goes for a clothesline, but Chris Benoit counters it with a hiptoss.
Terry Funk comes over to make it two-on-one.
Triple H comes over, but gets cut off.
Chris Benoit and Terry Funk hit Ric Flair with a double back suplex.
Chris Benoit uses a legdrop on Ric Flair.
Chris Benoit throws Ric Flair back into the ring.
Chris Benoit tags out to Terry Funk.
Terry Funk and Chris Benoit whip Ric Flair into the ropes.
They hit Ric Flair with a double backdrop.
Chris Benoit leaves the ring.
Terry Funk whips Ric Flair into the ropes, but Ric Flair reverses it.
Ric Flair and Terry Funk get hit with a double clothesline.
Ric Flair tags out to Triple H.
Triple H and Ric Flair hit Terry Funk with a double vertical suplex.
Chris Benoit enters the ring and throws Ric Flair out of the ring.
Chris Benoit goes for a dropkick, but Triple H side-steps and Chris Benoit
only hits air.
The crowd breaks into a "We Want Shawn" chant.
Triple H and Ric Flair hit Terry Funk with a double back suplex.
Triple H and Ric Flair whip Terry Funk into the ropes.
They hit Terry Funk with a double elbowsmash.
Chris Benoit leaves the ring.
Triple H goes for a fistdrop, but Terry Funk rolls out of the way.
Terry Funk tags out to Chris Benoit.
Chris Benoit and Terry Funk whip Triple H into the ropes.
They hit Triple H with a double elbowsmash.
Terry Funk hits a short clothesline on Triple H.
Chris Benoit uses a back suplex on Triple H.
Terry Funk leaves the ring.
Chris Benoit nails Triple H with an inverted DDT.
The chants for Chris Benoit are deafening.
Triple H begs off.
Chris Benoit goes for a clothesline, but Triple H counters it with a hiptoss.
Triple H takes Chris Benoit down with a stomp.
Triple H raises his arms into the air.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Triple H whips Chris Benoit into the ropes.
Chris Benoit misses with an elbow.
Chris Benoit hits Triple H with a kick.
Terry Funk enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Ric Flair enters the ring, but gets cut off.
Terry Funk uses a short clothesline on Triple H.
The chants for Terry Funk are deafening.
Chris Benoit hits a belly-to-back suplex on Triple H.
Ric Flair gets back up and lays out Terry Funk.
Ric Flair nails Chris Benoit with a vertical suplex.
Triple H hits Chris Benoit with a flying axhandle.
Triple H is being booed out of the building.
Ric Flair leaves the ring.
Triple H nails Chris Benoit with a headlock takedown.
Triple H goes for a flying axhandle, but Chris Benoit counters it with
a fist to the midsection.
Chris Benoit goes for a snap mare, but Triple H blocks it.
Triple H tags out to Ric Flair.
Ric Flair and Triple H whip Chris Benoit into the ropes.
Ric Flair and Triple H hit Chris Benoit with a double roundhouse right.
Triple H leaves the ring.
Ric Flair runs into the ropes.
Ric Flair misses with an elbow.
Ric Flair hits Chris Benoit with a kick.
Ric Flair is going for the pin.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, kickout.
Ric Flair puts Chris Benoit in an abdominal stretch.
Chris Benoit makes it to the ropes after holding out for 5 seconds.
Ric Flair whips Chris Benoit into the ropes.
Ric Flair hits Chris Benoit with a clothesline.
Ric Flair hits a headlock takedown on Chris Benoit.
Ric Flair nails Chris Benoit with a low blow.
Ric Flair whips Chris Benoit into the ropes.
Ric Flair gets an abdominal stretch on Chris Benoit.
Chris Benoit is struggling to reach the ropes.
Chris Benoit is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Chris Benoit tries to escape the hold.
Chris Benoit is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Chris Benoit grabs the ropes after being locked up for 24 seconds.
Triple H enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Ric Flair and Triple H whip Chris Benoit into the ropes.
They hit Chris Benoit with a double elbowsmash.
Ric Flair and Triple H whip Chris Benoit into the ropes.
They hit Chris Benoit with a double kick to the midsection.
Terry Funk enters the ring and lays out Triple H.
Terry Funk leaves the ring.
Chris Benoit nails Ric Flair with a German suplex.
The crowd is behind Chris Benoit all the way.
Chris Benoit uses a German suplex on Ric Flair.
Terry Funk enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Triple H enters the ring and throws Terry Funk out of the ring.
Ric Flair and Triple H whip Chris Benoit into the ropes.
They attempt to hit Chris Benoit with a double elbowsmash, but he counters
it with a duck-down move.
Chris Benoit hits them with a double clothesline.
Chris Benoit and Terry Funk hit Ric Flair with a double punch.
Triple H leaves the ring.
Chris Benoit executes a dropkick on Ric Flair.
Chris Benoit runs into the ropes.
Chris Benoit misses with a kick.
Chris Benoit misses with a clothesline.
Chris Benoit executes a lariat on Ric Flair.
Chris Benoit goes for a forearm to the back, but Ric Flair side-steps and
Chris Benoit only hits air.
Ric Flair is being booed out of the building.
Triple H enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Terry Funk enters the ring and throws Triple H out of the ring.
Chris Benoit and Terry Funk whip Ric Flair into the ropes.
Chris Benoit and Terry Funk hit Ric Flair with a double punch.
Terry Funk leaves the ring.
Chris Benoit sends Ric Flair into the turnbuckle, but Ric Flair reverses it.
Ric Flair hits a chop on Chris Benoit.
Ric Flair hits Chris Benoit with a chop.
Ric Flair nails Chris Benoit with a chop.
Ric Flair throws Chris Benoit out of the ring.
Ric Flair goes outside.
Ric Flair goes for the Figure-Four Leglock, but Chris Benoit counters it with
a kick-off.
Chris Benoit throws Ric Flair back into the ring.
Chris Benoit hits Ric Flair with a bodyslam.
Terry Funk enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Terry Funk nails Ric Flair with a back suplex.
Chris Benoit goes for a flying headbutt, but Ric Flair rolls out of the way.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Terry Funk leaves the ring.
Ric Flair hits Chris Benoit with a kneebreaker.
Ric Flair hits Chris Benoit with a low blow.
Ric Flair takes Chris Benoit down with a chop.
Ric Flair runs into the ropes.
Ric Flair hits Chris Benoit with a kick.
Ric Flair hits a back suplex on Chris Benoit.
Ric Flair whips Chris Benoit into the turnbuckle.
Ric Flair tags out to Triple H.
Triple H and Ric Flair hit Chris Benoit with a double back suplex.
Ric Flair leaves the ring.
Triple H goes for a vertical suplex, but Chris Benoit counters it with
a small package.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, kickout.
Chris Benoit goes for a dragon suplex, but Triple H blocks it.
Triple H hits Chris Benoit with a punch.
Triple H tags out to Ric Flair.
Triple H hits Chris Benoit with a clothesline.
Ric Flair goes for a back suplex, but Chris Benoit counters it with a facerake.
Triple H leaves the ring.
Chris Benoit takes Ric Flair down with a Northern Lights suplex.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Chris Benoit tags out to Terry Funk.
Chris Benoit executes a dropkick on Ric Flair.
Terry Funk goes for a back suplex, but Ric Flair blocks it.
Chris Benoit leaves the ring.
Ric Flair gives him a chop, but Terry Funk doesn't budge.
Terry Funk catches Ric Flair in a chokehold.
Ric Flair tries to escape the hold.
Ric Flair reaches the ropes after being locked up for 10 seconds.
Terry Funk sends Ric Flair into the turnbuckle, but Ric Flair reverses it.
Ric Flair runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Terry Funk
moves out of the way.
Terry Funk chops Ric Flair.
Ric Flair punches Terry Funk.
The crowd is vociferously booing Ric Flair.
Ric Flair hits Terry Funk.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Terry Funk punches Ric Flair.
The crowd is giving Terry Funk a standing ovation.
Chris Benoit enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Triple H enters the ring and lays out Chris Benoit.
Ric Flair and Triple H hit Terry Funk with a double stomp.
Triple H leaves the ring.
Ric Flair takes Terry Funk down with a kneebreaker.
Ric Flair chops Terry Funk.
The crowd is vociferously booing Ric Flair.
Ric Flair hits Terry Funk.
The crowd is vociferously booing Ric Flair.
Ric Flair gives him a chop, but Terry Funk only stares at him.
Terry Funk chops Ric Flair.
The crowd erupts.
Terry Funk kicks Ric Flair.
Terry Funk hits Ric Flair.
The chants for Terry Funk are deafening.
Terry Funk throws Ric Flair out of the ring.
Terry Funk jumps onto him with a Moonsault Plancha.
Chris Benoit comes over to make it two-on-one.
Triple H comes over, but gets cut off.
Chris Benoit hits Ric Flair with a dropkick.
Terry Funk goes for a back suplex, but Ric Flair turns in mid-air and lands on
Ric Flair gives him a vertical suplex, but Terry Funk doesn't even care.
Ric Flair goes for a snap mare, but Terry Funk blocks it.
Ric Flair has been cut open.
Terry Funk hits Ric Flair with a punch.
Terry Funk goes for a short clothesline, but Ric Flair counters it with
a crucifix.
Ric Flair nails Terry Funk with a chop.
Ric Flair gets back into the ring.
Terry Funk follows him back in.
Ric Flair tags out to Triple H.
Triple H hits Terry Funk with a powerslam.
Earl Hebner counts: One, kickout.
Triple H hits Terry Funk with a chop.
Triple H chops Terry Funk.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Triple H chops Terry Funk.
Triple H executes a side suplex on Terry Funk.
Triple H nails Terry Funk with a roundhouse right.
Triple H hits Terry Funk with a stomp.
Triple H uses a headlock takedown on Terry Funk.
Triple H kicks Terry Funk.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Triple H punches Terry Funk.
Triple H goes for a side suplex, but Terry Funk blocks it.
Terry Funk hits a snap mare on Triple H.
Terry Funk takes Triple H down with an eye gouge.
Terry Funk runs into the ropes.
Terry Funk hits Triple H with a clothesline.
Terry Funk takes Triple H down with a short clothesline.
Terry Funk tags out to Chris Jericho.
Chris Jericho nails Triple H with a series of stomps.
Terry Funk enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Chris Jericho and Terry Funk whip Triple H into the ropes.
Chris Jericho and Terry Funk hit Triple H with a double bodyslam.
Terry Funk uses a short clothesline on Triple H.
The crowd erupts.
Chris Jericho hits Triple H with the Breakdown.
Terry Funk leaves the ring.
Chris Jericho goes for a slingshot splash, but Triple H rolls out of the way.
The crowd breaks into a "We Want Shawn" chant.
Triple H tags out to Kane.
Kane hits a bodyslam on Chris Jericho.
Kane goes for a Tombstone, but Chris Jericho reverses it.
Earl Hebner counts: One, shoulder up.
The crowd erupts.
Chris Jericho hits a chop on Kane.
Chris Jericho chops Kane.
Chris Jericho hits Kane.
Kane chops Chris Jericho.
Chris Jericho kicks Kane.
The crowd erupts.
Chris Jericho hits Kane.
The crowd erupts.
Chris Jericho whips Kane into the turnbuckle.
Chris Jericho uses a knifehand chop on Kane.
Chris Jericho uses a knifehand chop on Kane.
Chris Jericho hits Kane with a knifehand chop.
Chris Jericho punches Kane.
The crowd is giving Chris Jericho a standing ovation.
Chris Jericho chops Kane.
The crowd is giving Chris Jericho a standing ovation.
Kane punches Chris Jericho.
Kane punches Chris Jericho.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Chris Jericho chops Kane.
Chris Jericho hits Kane with a dropkick.
Kane sits up.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Chris Jericho whips Kane into the turnbuckle, but Kane reverses it.
Kane charges into the corner.
Kane nails Chris Jericho with a punch.
Kane hits a slap on Chris Jericho.
Kane punches Chris Jericho.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Chris Jericho hits Kane.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Chris Jericho.
Chris Jericho punches Kane.
Chris Jericho hits Kane with a spinning leg lariat.
Ric Flair is bleeding like hell.
Chris Benoit enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Chris Benoit nails Kane with a belly-to-back suplex.
Chris Jericho hits Kane with a flying dropkick.
The crowd is giving Chris Jericho a standing ovation.
Chris Benoit leaves the ring.
Chris Jericho hits a spinning leg lariat on Kane.
Kane inadvertedly knocks down Earl Hebner.
Chris Jericho whips Kane into the ropes, but Kane reverses it.
Kane hits Chris Jericho with a shoulderblock.
Kane goes for a vertical suplex, but Chris Jericho blocks it.
Charles Robinson comes running down to the ring.
Chris Jericho executes a chop on Kane.
Chris Jericho nails Kane with a chop.
Chris Jericho sends Kane into the turnbuckle.
Chris Jericho charges into the corner, but Kane moves out of the way.
Kane goes for a slap, but Chris Jericho reverses it.
Chris Jericho executes triple power bomb on Kane.
Chris Jericho hits a chop on Kane.
Chris Jericho kicks Kane.
The crowd erupts.
Chris Jericho kicks Kane.
The crowd erupts.
Chris Jericho kicks Kane.
The crowd is giving Chris Jericho a standing ovation.
Chris Jericho hits a flying dropkick on Kane.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Chris Jericho.
Chris Jericho covers Kane.
Charles Robinson counts: One, two, kickout.
Chris Jericho runs into the ropes.
Kane goes for a backbreaker, but Chris Jericho counters it with a facerake.
Chris Jericho climbs to the top turnbuckle, but Kane nails him in the stomach.
Chris Jericho falls onto the top turnbuckle.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Chris Jericho falls back into the ring.
Kane is going for the pin.
Charles Robinson counts: One, two, kickout.
Kane goes for a forearm smash, but Chris Jericho blocks it.
Chris Jericho leaves the ring.
He returns with a chair.
Chris Jericho runs into the ropes and springs off the chair.
Chris Jericho goes for a clothesline, but Kane counters it with a Gorilla Press.
In turn, Chris Jericho counters it with a slidedown.
Chris Jericho goes for a German suplex, but Kane blocks it.
Kane sends Chris Jericho into the turnbuckle.
Kane runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Chris Jericho lifts his knee.
Earl Hebner shakes off the pain.
Chris Jericho runs into the ropes.
Kane misses with an elbow.
Chris Jericho misses with a kick.
Kane goes for a slap, but Chris Jericho reverses it.
Chris Jericho goes for a kick to the midsection, but Kane blocks it.
Kane uses a side suplex on Chris Jericho.
Earl Hebner removes the chair from the ring.
Kane goes for a Tombstone, but Chris Jericho reverses it.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, kickout.
Chris Jericho hits Kane with a chop.
Chris Jericho goes for a clothesline, but Kane ducks out of the way.
Kane nails Chris Jericho with a gutwrench suplex.
Earl Hebner counts: One, kickout.
Kane hits a fist to the midsection on Chris Jericho.
Kane goes for a slap, but Chris Jericho blocks it.
Chris Jericho throws Kane out of the ring.
Chris Jericho goes through the ropes.
Chris Jericho throws Kane into the ringpost.
Chris Jericho executes the Walls of Jericho on Kane on the concrete floor.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Chris Jericho.
Chris Jericho uses a spinning leg lariat on Kane.
Chris Benoit comes over to make it two-on-one.
Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit hit Kane with a double chop.
Triple H comes over and lays out Chris Benoit.
Kane shoves Chris Jericho into the guardrail.
Triple H comes over to make it two-on-one.
Kane and Triple H hit Chris Jericho with a double fist to the midsection.
Kane throws Chris Jericho into the ringpost.
Kane is being booed out of the building.
Triple H comes over to make it two-on-one.
Chris Benoit comes over, but gets cut off.
Kane throws Chris Jericho into the guardrail.
Kane hits Chris Jericho with a kick to the midsection.
Triple H comes over to make it two-on-one.
Kane and Triple H hit Chris Jericho with a double vertical suplex.
Kane sets up a table.
Kane throws Chris Jericho into the guardrail.
Triple H comes over to make it two-on-one.
Kane and Triple H hit Chris Jericho with a double bodyslam.
Kane sets up Chris Jericho on the table.
Kane tries to drive Chris Jericho through the table with a Tombstone, but he
blocks it.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Chris Benoit comes over to make it two-on-one.
Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit hit Kane with a double bodyslam.
Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit hit Kane with a double chop.
Chris Benoit uses a lariat on Kane.
Chris Jericho goes for the Breakdown, but Kane ducks out of the way.
Kane throws Chris Jericho back into the ring.
Kane whips Chris Jericho into the ropes.
Kane misses with a clothesline.
Chris Jericho hits Kane with an elbow.
Chris Jericho hits Kane with a flying dropkick.
Chris Jericho whips Kane into the ropes.
Kane hits Chris Jericho with a kick.
Kane tags out to Triple H.
Triple H and Kane whip Chris Jericho into the ropes.
They hit Chris Jericho with a double fist to the midsection.
Kane leaves the ring.
Triple H sends Chris Jericho into the turnbuckle.
Triple H runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Chris Jericho lifts his knee.
Chris Jericho executes a flying dropkick on Triple H.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Chris Jericho.
Chris Jericho is going for the cover.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, kickout.
Chris Jericho complains about a slow count.
Kane enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Terry Funk enters the ring and lays out Kane.
Terry Funk uses a short clothesline on Triple H.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Chris Jericho executes a back suplex on Triple H.
Terry Funk leaves the ring.
Chris Jericho hits a stomp on Triple H.
Chris Jericho hits Triple H with a slap.
Chris Jericho taunts the crowd.
The crowd erupts.
Terry Funk enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Chris Jericho and Terry Funk whip Triple H into the ropes.
They hit Triple H with a double backdrop.
Ric Flair enters the ring and lays out Terry Funk.
Ric Flair hits a headlock takedown on Chris Jericho.
Triple H nails Chris Jericho with a flying axhandle.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Ric Flair leaves the ring.
Triple H executes an atomic drop on Chris Jericho.
Triple H tags out to Ric Flair.
Triple H takes Chris Jericho down with a dropkick.
The crowd is vociferously booing Triple H.
Ric Flair nails Chris Jericho with a backslide.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Triple H leaves the ring.
Ric Flair goes for a roundhouse right, but Chris Jericho counters it with
an armbreaker.
Chris Jericho punches Ric Flair.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Chris Jericho hits Ric Flair.
Chris Jericho chops Ric Flair.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Chris Jericho.
Ric Flair punches Chris Jericho.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Ric Flair chops Chris Jericho.
The crowd is vociferously booing Ric Flair.
Ric Flair punches Chris Jericho.
Ric Flair hits Chris Jericho with a ropeburn.
Ric Flair uses a punch on Chris Jericho.
Triple H enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Ric Flair and Triple H whip Chris Jericho into the ropes.
They hit Chris Jericho with a double clothesline.
Triple H leaves the ring.
Ric Flair takes Chris Jericho down with a roundhouse right.
Ric Flair uses a vertical suplex on Chris Jericho.
Ric Flair takes Chris Jericho down with a chop.
Ric Flair nails Chris Jericho with a chop.
Ric Flair nails Chris Jericho with a slap.
Ric Flair executes a facerake on Chris Jericho.
Ric Flair chops Chris Jericho.
The crowd is vociferously booing Ric Flair.
Ric Flair chops Chris Jericho.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Ric Flair hits Chris Jericho with a chop.
Ric Flair runs into the ropes.
Chris Jericho misses with a shoulderblock.
Ric Flair hits Chris Jericho with an elbow.
Ric Flair gives the sign for the Figure-Four Leglock.
Ric Flair executes the Figure-Four Leglock on Chris Jericho.
Earl Hebner checks Chris Jericho's arm.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it stays up !
Chris Jericho fights his way out of the hold after 16 seconds.
Ric Flair begs off.
Chris Jericho takes Ric Flair down with the Breakdown.
Chris Benoit enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit hit Ric Flair with a double dropkick.
Chris Benoit leaves the ring.
Chris Jericho goes for a slap, but Ric Flair blocks it.
Chris Jericho begs off.
Ric Flair goes for a vertical suplex, but Chris Jericho blocks it.
Chris Jericho executes a dropkick on Ric Flair.
Chris Jericho sends Ric Flair into the turnbuckle.
Chris Jericho goes for a knifehand chop, but Ric Flair blocks it.
Ric Flair uses a headlock takedown on Chris Jericho.
Ric Flair hits Chris Jericho with a headlock takedown.
Ric Flair hits a back suplex on Chris Jericho.
Ric Flair covers Chris Jericho.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Ric Flair executes a low blow on Chris Jericho.
Ric Flair goes for a roundhouse right, but Chris Jericho counters it with
an armbreaker.
Chris Jericho runs into the ropes.
Ric Flair hits a roundhouse right on Chris Jericho.
Ric Flair executes a chop on Chris Jericho.
Ric Flair executes a snap mare on Chris Jericho.
Ric Flair executes a stomp on Chris Jericho.
Ric Flair goes for a reverse neckbreaker, but Chris Jericho blocks it.
Chris Jericho tags out to Chris Benoit.
Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho hit Ric Flair with a double back suplex.
Chris Jericho leaves the ring.
Chris Benoit whips Ric Flair into the ropes.
Ric Flair hits Chris Benoit with a clothesline.
Chris Benoit falls out of the ring.
Ric Flair goes outside.
Ric Flair whips Chris Benoit into the guardrail.
Ric Flair hits a chop on Chris Benoit.
Ric Flair climbs back into the ring.
Chris Benoit rolls back in under the bottom rope.
Ric Flair hits Chris Benoit with a back suplex.
Kane enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Ric Flair and Kane whip Chris Benoit into the ropes.
They hit Chris Benoit with a double fist to the midsection.
Kane leaves the ring.
Ric Flair hits Chris Benoit with a bodyslam.
Kane enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Ric Flair and Kane whip Chris Benoit into the ropes.
They hit Chris Benoit with a double clothesline.
Chris Jericho enters the ring, but gets cut off.
Ric Flair and Kane whip Chris Benoit into the ropes.
Ric Flair and Kane hit Chris Benoit with a double punch.
Chris Jericho gets back up and lays out Kane.
Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho hit Ric Flair with a double back suplex.
Chris Jericho leaves the ring.
Chris Benoit goes for a Northern Lights suplex, but Ric Flair counters it with
a swinging neckbreaker.
Ric Flair is being booed out of the building.
In turn, Chris Benoit counters it with a side suplex.
Chris Benoit gives the sign for the Crippler Crossface.
Chris Benoit executes the Crippler Crossface on Ric Flair.
Ric Flair is struggling to reach the ropes.
Ric Flair summons one last burst of energy.
Ric Flair submits after 12 seconds.
The crowd is giving Chris Benoit a standing ovation.
The winners are Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho and Terry Funk. Time of match:
Click here to return to Judgment Day.
Rich, 12-11-2005