They lock up.
John Bradshaw Layfield hits Masahiro Chono with an enzuilariato.
John Bradshaw Layfield hits Masahiro Chono with a bodyslam.
John Bradshaw Layfield slides out of the ring.
He grabs a golf club from underneath the ring steps.
John Bradshaw Layfield hits him with the golf club.
John Bradshaw Layfield is starting to get under the crowd's skin.
John Bradshaw Layfield goes for a snap suplex, but Masahiro Chono
counters it with a small package.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, kickout.
Masahiro Chono hits a piledriver on John Bradshaw Layfield.
Masahiro Chono attempts to place John Bradshaw Layfield on the turnbuckle, but
John Bradshaw Layfield blocks it.
Masahiro Chono goes for a backbreaker, but John Bradshaw Layfield blocks it.
John Bradshaw Layfield hits Masahiro Chono.
John Bradshaw Layfield chops Masahiro Chono.
John Bradshaw Layfield whips Masahiro Chono into the ropes.
Masahiro Chono hits John Bradshaw Layfield with a shoulderblock.
Masahiro Chono goes for a tiger suplex, but John Bradshaw Layfield
counters it with a backward kick.
John Bradshaw Layfield goes for a punch, but Masahiro Chono counters it with
a roundhouse right.
Masahiro Chono sends John Bradshaw Layfield into the turnbuckle, but
John Bradshaw Layfield reverses it.
John Bradshaw Layfield hits him with a golf club.
John Bradshaw Layfield goes for a snap suplex, but Masahiro Chono
counters it with a vertical suplex.
Masahiro Chono hits John Bradshaw Layfield with a single-leg takedown.
Masahiro Chono uses a single-leg takedown on John Bradshaw Layfield.
Masahiro Chono goes for a vertical suplex, but John Bradshaw Layfield blocks it.
John Bradshaw Layfield nails Masahiro Chono with a ropeburn.
John Bradshaw Layfield hits him with a golf club.
John Bradshaw Layfield hits Masahiro Chono with an elbowsmash.
John Bradshaw Layfield executes an enzuilariato on Masahiro Chono.
John Bradshaw Layfield hits a forearm smash on Masahiro Chono.
John Bradshaw Layfield whips Masahiro Chono into the ropes.
Masahiro Chono uses a lariat on John Bradshaw Layfield.
Masahiro Chono flashes the nWo Japan sign.
The crowd is cheering on Masahiro Chono.
Masahiro Chono uses a reverse neckbreaker on John Bradshaw Layfield.
There are lots of chants for Masahiro Chono.
Masahiro Chono whips John Bradshaw Layfield into the ropes.
Masahiro Chono takes John Bradshaw Layfield down with a savate kick.
Masahiro Chono flashes the nWo Japan sign.
The crowd is really behind Masahiro Chono.
Masahiro Chono gets a half Boston on John Bradshaw Layfield.
John Bradshaw Layfield inches his way towards the ropes after 17 seconds.
Masahiro Chono hits John Bradshaw Layfield with a fireman's carry.
Masahiro Chono runs into the ropes.
John Bradshaw Layfield hits Masahiro Chono with a shoulderblock.
John Bradshaw Layfield bellows to the crowd.
A wave of boos is going through the crowd.
John Bradshaw Layfield goes for a punch, but Masahiro Chono blocks it.
Masahiro Chono nails John Bradshaw Layfield with a power bomb.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, three.
The chants for Masahiro Chono are deafening.
The winner is Masahiro Chono. Time of match: 0:04:03
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Rich, 12-11-2005