(Just prior to his match with Tajiri, Christopher Daniels take a microphone.)
Christopher Daniels:
Many people are wondering why I attacked Tajiri last week, especially when I
have my own issues with Booker T. You see, the thing is, I honestly could not
tell the difference between Tajiri and Booker T. To be even more honest, I
cannot tell the difference between the majority of these so called superstars
of the WWE.
That's the biggest problem that the WWE faces in this day and age, there are
so many "superstars" with absolutely no distinguishing features whatsoever.
What we have here are a number of bland, no-talent wrestlers, who try to get
by on a barely recognisable trait or special feature. And let's face it, they
are not trying very hard at all. This is where I come in. When Judgment Day
rolls around, the Intercontinental Title will go around the waist of a truly
innovative wrestler, and the one man worthy of being called a superstar in
this company, the Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels.
Watch on people, watch as the future of this business unfolds in front of your
unworthy eyes.
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Rich, 12-11-2005