Josh Matthews:
Hollywood Hogan, you are set to take on Ted DiBiase at Judgment Day, but we
have yet to see your opponent for a few weeks, while you have faced challenges
from the likes of Kane and Kurt Angle. Tonight, you face the no 1 contender
Vader, in what should be a brutal contest. Can you end your losing streak a
few weeks prior to Judgment Day?
Hollywood Hogan:
Well you know something Josh Matthews dude, it seems as though Shane McMahon
is trying to stack the deck up against me, by putting me in match after match,
while Ted DiBiase gets to sit at home. Well Shane O Mac, Hulk Hogan is no
quitter brother, and I'm going to keep coming back, whether you like it or
As far as you being guest referee at Judgment Day, I've got no problem, because
you said that you hate DiBiase just as much as you do me, so I know that there
won't be any funny business. But as far as I'm concerned, I'm seeing this
match as a way to prove to you that you can trust me, and that you don't need
to stack the deck against me as you have been doing. I've changed dude, I've
seen the light, and I hope that you can realise that before it gets too late.
Tonight, I'll face Vader, and I may not win this, but I want you to watch me
Shane. And you watch too DiBiase, because you can find out what I'm all about.
And when you find out what I'm all about, what are you gonna do Mr. DiBiase,
when Hollywood Hulkamania runs wild on you?
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Rich, 12-11-2005