Josh Matthews:
Billy Kidman, in just a few moments, you'll be watching closely, as Tajiri,
Paul London, and Brian Kendrick square off for a shot at your Cruiserweight
Championship for Judgment Day.
Billy Kidman:
You know Josh, I'm having a hard time seeing why these guys are even being
considered for title shots. So Tajiri and Kendrick were champs in the past?
Big deal! I'm the Champion now, and they can't beat me.
Josh Matthews:
Well, Tajiri proved that he could beat you last Monday night on Raw, when he
put you down for the 1-2-3.
Billy Kidman:
Excuse me? That was a fluke Josh, and maybe I oughta remind you not to get
tough with the guys that you can't hang with. I thought Vader made enough of
a fool out of you on Monday for you to realise that. You couldn't cut it as
a wrestler Josh, that's why you're holding the microphone like a chump. And
speaking of chumps, we have Paul London. I've already beaten him once, and
I'll do it again if he wins tonight. Face facts Josh Matthews, you're looking
at the number 1 Cruiserweight in wrestling today, and there is nobody out there
who can show me any different. Nobody.
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Rich, 12-11-2005