(Backstage, Hollywood Hogan is walking through a corridor, when Shane McMahon
shows up.)
Shane McMahon:
Hogan, in response to the message you left me, you've got your match with Ted
DiBiase at Judgment Day. But there's a little something I wanna tell you. I
still don't trust you, and I never will. After all you put me through with
the nWo, I just can't believe that you're truly sorry for what you did, because
we've all seen this act before.
But one thing is for certain, if you try to pull the nWo crap again, it'll be
with a different company, because the nWo will never be back here again. Ever.
Hollywood Hogan:
Shane, brother, that's fine. I don't blame you for not wanting to trust me,
but I promise you that I will earn your trust once again, no matter what it
Shane McMahon:
Instead of earning my trust Hogan, why don't you just go earn some money, 'cos
as of right now, you're in a match tonight, and you're facing Kane. And that
match Hogan, is next.
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Rich, 12-11-2005