(Bret Hart returns to the ring, and grabs a mic.)
Bret Hart:
I promised you guys a surprise, and that's exactly what you're going to get.
Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome back to WWE....Sting!
(Sting's music hits, and the man in black makes his way to the ring to a huge
response from the crowd. Bret hands the Stinger the mic, and then returns to
the back.)
Damn it feels good to be back, and back in black! And I am here for a number
of reasons, amongst those being to finally become the WWE Champion. But the
main reason that I have come back is to put a stop to a man who has himself
only come back recently, but in that time has already attempted to throw his
weight around, talking of course about Vader.
Now Vader, I know you're in London right now, having brutalised poor little
Spike Dudley on Monday night, but if you're looking for a real fight Vader,
then look no further than me. At Backlash, you and I are going to reignite
a fire that burned long ago, and when the smoke clears and all the dust has
settled, I will be the last man standing. What am I going to do to stop you
Vader? Well, I really don't know, because the only thing that's for sure
about Sting, is that nothing's for sure. I'll see you at Backlash, Vader, if
not before!
Click here to return to Smackdown.
Rich, 12-11-2005