They lock up.
Randy Orton executes a flying forearm on Chris Benoit.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, shoulder up.
** Triple H comes to ringside.
Randy Orton goes for a bodyslam, but Chris Benoit blocks it.
Chris Benoit goes for a snap mare, but Randy Orton blocks it.
Randy Orton catches Chris Benoit in a sleeperhold.
Chris Benoit makes it to the ropes after being locked up for 5 seconds.
Randy Orton catches Chris Benoit in a chokehold.
Chris Benoit is struggling to reach the ropes.
Chris Benoit grabs the ropes after 5 seconds.
Randy Orton goes for a forearm smash, but Chris Benoit blocks it.
Chris Benoit executes a running lariat on Randy Orton.
Chris Benoit whips Randy Orton into the ropes.
Chris Benoit goes for a clothesline, but Randy Orton counters it with a crucifix
Earl Hebner counts: One, kickout.
Randy Orton hits Chris Benoit with a flying bulldog.
Randy Orton works the crowd.
The crowd is vociferously booing Randy Orton.
Randy Orton goes for a sleeperhold, but Chris Benoit blocks it.
Chris Benoit kicks Randy Orton.
Chris Benoit kicks Randy Orton.
Chris Benoit hits Randy Orton.
Chris Benoit hits Randy Orton with a forearm to the back.
Chris Benoit executes an armbar takedown on Randy Orton.
The chants for Chris Benoit are deafening.
Chris Benoit gives the sign for the Crippler Crossface.
Chris Benoit executes the Crippler Crossface on Randy Orton.
Randy Orton is struggling to reach the ropes.
Randy Orton tries to escape the hold.
Randy Orton is inching his way towards the ropes.
Randy Orton is writhing in pain.
Earl Hebner asks Randy Orton if he's still there.
Randy Orton nods.
Randy Orton tries to fight the pain.
Randy Orton is inching his way towards the ropes.
Randy Orton is writhing in pain.
Earl Hebner checks Randy Orton's arm.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it stays up !
Randy Orton fights his way out of the hold after 34 seconds.
Randy Orton whips Chris Benoit into the ropes.
Randy Orton executes a roll up on Chris Benoit.
Randy Orton nails Chris Benoit with a roundhouse right.
Randy Orton climbs to the top turnbuckle, but Chris Benoit throws him
to the mat.
Chris Benoit hits Randy Orton with an armbar takedown.
Chris Benoit executes the Crippler Crossface on Randy Orton.
Earl Hebner asks Randy Orton if he's still there.
Randy Orton nods.
Earl Hebner checks Randy Orton's arm.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it stays up !
Randy Orton fights his way out of the hold after 23 seconds.
Randy Orton nails Chris Benoit with a dropkick to the knee.
Randy Orton hits a kick to the knee on Chris Benoit.
Randy Orton covers Chris Benoit.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, kickout.
Randy Orton throws Earl Hebner into the ringpost.
Earl Hebner is out cold.
Randy Orton runs into the ropes.
Randy Orton misses with a shoulderblock.
Randy Orton misses with a shoulderblock.
Chris Benoit nails Randy Orton with a lariat.
Charles Robinson comes running down to the ring.
Chris Benoit whips Randy Orton into the ropes.
Randy Orton uses a flying forearm on Chris Benoit.
Charles Robinson counts: One, two, kickout.
Randy Orton complains about a slow count.
Randy Orton hits a DDT on Chris Benoit.
Randy Orton is being booed out of the building.
Randy Orton goes for a bodyslam, but Chris Benoit counters it with an elbowsmash
Chris Benoit runs into the ropes.
Chris Benoit hits a flying shoulderblock on Randy Orton.
The crowd breaks into a "Wolverine, Wolverine" chant.
Chris Benoit goes for a bodyslam, but Randy Orton blocks it.
Randy Orton nails Chris Benoit with an armdrag takedown.
Randy Orton uses a dropkick on Chris Benoit.
Randy Orton nails Chris Benoit with an armdrag takedown.
Randy Orton punches Chris Benoit.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Randy Orton kicks Chris Benoit.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Chris Benoit hits Randy Orton.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Chris Benoit.
Chris Benoit punches Randy Orton.
Chris Benoit nails Randy Orton with a power bomb.
Charles Robinson counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Chris Benoit.
The winner is Chris Benoit. Time of match: 0:05:34
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Rich, 12-11-2005